I have this coral sitting at about 500 PAR LED lighting (Kessil AP700) for 2 months initally (It has turned all purplish blue instead of the rainbow colors shown originally.)
Now I keep it at 300 PAR under LED lighting. It is still purplish blue.
I run a deeper blue, but not a royal blue on my LED along with red and green channel) to try and get a 14Kish look.
Can you share your experience on what PAR or Kelvin or wavelength of light (i.e. blue vs royal blue vs actinic blue) helped kept your rainbow colored SPS from turning into one color?
For simplicity sake, let's not worry about NO3, P04, ALK, and CA+ because we all strive for ideal water chemistry. However, could lighting be likely a greater variable for rainbow colors? Since we all use different lighting system and kelvin colors.
I think everyone loves to try to have a rainbow colored SPS, but I haven't found much info about what may help bring out these colors. Maybe this thread can help everyone out?
If you think it is not about lighting, but something else. Please share your insight as well.
Thanks in advance