How to kill coralline algae


New member
My coralline algae is covering all my live rock, plug n back wall. The tank is full of zoanthus without other type of corals. Now the coralline is start covering up some of my zoos. zoos are having hard time to grow. Please help! Any idea how to kill the coralline. I tried to drain out all the water for 2hours. Refill back the water. Didnt make any damage to them at all, as well as my zoos.

Tank size L24"xW12"xH12"
No3 5ppm
Alk 9dkh
Ca 400ppm
P04 0ppm
no skimmer
refugiumSump 24x8x12
its probably red cyano. if that is the case, you need to manually remove it. blast it with turkey baster and siphon them out.
Interesting if it is coralline.

Why can't it be that and not cyano? Of course pictures would help. (I just want to see the tank).

I am going to give the benefit to Fungia since he or she probably knows the difference between the two if join date means anything.
I've seen coralline plating in seasoned systems, looks almost like potato chips or really thin capricornis growing off the surface. I can see it happening, I wish I could get it to happen!
Thank for reply, ok I will get the picture later. Ah.. I think I got 1 old picture. This plug show that the coralline fully grow on the plug, and the zoo having hard time to grow over them. Instead the coralline had cover the half of the plug. I think I have plenty of plug with fully cover by coralline without a polyp of zoo left.
I will take the latest picture of that plug later. Hope can get help from here.


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ok, heres are the picture. you can see the coralline start to cover the leg of the polyp n killing it.
Please help, I don't think this is only hapenning to me.



Wow nice tank and sorry about your issue. So it looks like one of those that sort of plate as it grows and then covers the rocks like in the first picture.

The only other tank I can think of that had that much algae growth was HDTV"s FOWLR tank and that was because he wanted it and not plain gray rocks.

So what to do right?
First I am suprised since you have T5s running. Many people say that CA has a harder time growing in bright light but this does not seem to be the case.

The other is do you know your Mg level? When people report their CA is dying and turning white their Mg is usually very low like 1100 ppm or less.

On the rocks that you can remove can you take a screw driver, razor blade, dremel tool and cut it off?

As far as how to remove it otherwise long spine urchins will eat it. Can you get them in Malaysia?

Also are you doing for Ca and Alk or are those numbers just in that range?

Finally does it look like every colony is being affected or just luck of the draw?
What he said^^^

Also, what about lowering your mag and cal to limit the coralline growth? You have a softie tank so this should have a minimal effect on the corals. Either by using a salt mix that is lower in cal and mag or adding some fast growing hard corals such as monti digitata would help.
this is a very interesting thread. i have had coraline algea be a problem in the past from it growing in plates and blocking light..... but never actually growing over top of a coral?? thats just plain crazy. are you dosing the tank with something? how about your Cal,Mag,Alk levels? do you have a calcium reactor on that tank? please supply more info about the tank, the equipment and its paremeters.
Wow nice tank and sorry about your issue. So it looks like one of those that sort of plate as it grows and then covers the rocks like in the first picture.

The only other tank I can think of that had that much algae growth was HDTV"s FOWLR tank and that was because he wanted it and not plain gray rocks.

So what to do right?
First I am suprised since you have T5s running. Many people say that CA has a harder time growing in bright light but this does not seem to be the case.
Thanks for your reply, Yes I am running T5HO 2blue 2white Recently I tried running only 2 white. Hope the CA stop growing, but it won't work.

The other is do you know your Mg level? When people report their CA is dying and turning white their Mg is usually very low like 1100 ppm or less.
My Mg at 1200ppm

On the rocks that you can remove can you take a screw driver, razor blade, dremel tool and cut it off?
Yes, I think this is the final thing that I need to do.

As far as how to remove it otherwise long spine urchins will eat it. Can you get them in Malaysia?
Sure, But that urchin will grow very big with that kind of long spine in my 2ft tank. I don't think I like it so much.:rolleyes:

Also are you doing for Ca and Alk or are those numbers just in that range?
I add kh buffer or Mg buffer when I do top up water.

Finally does it look like every colony is being affected or just luck of the draw?
From the picture you can see all the plug and also the live rock infected.
What he said^^^

Also, what about lowering your mag and cal to limit the coralline growth? You have a softie tank so this should have a minimal effect on the corals. Either by using a salt mix that is lower in cal and mag or adding some fast growing hard corals such as monti digitata would help.

Thank you,
Usually saw thread about how to increase CA grow,
Low NO3
Stable high Alk n Ca
Stable Temp.
Strong Blue Spectrum

I am thinking of doing it reverse too? :lol2:

I don't think I can add sps to that tank. By the time the sps start growing, I need to worry about the Ca and alk again.:rolleyes:

I laughed when I read this because on the way to work I thought about a fuge with montis to compete for the Ca. Can you imagine the uproar in the sps forum?

Or how about a fuge with a cheap clip on light and just PVC pipe? The CA would grow there pretty quickly and you could take it out and kill it then replace the pipe. It would be something similar to an algae turf scrubber but for this.

Just thinking out loud if you will.

Caluerpa is also an option but one could be trading one evil for another.


I ran 2 blue and 2 + and I had little CA growth where the light hit so it may take some time.

I understand about the urchin. I have been slammed against them while snorkeling before and had to dig spines out of my hand the rest of the week.

I wonder if you could slow the growth down by not buffering as much. As said it is a softy tank and buffering is not needed as much.