I am not a disease expert. But a few strains of ich can live dormant for 72 day. So 16 days isn't enough
That being said I don't qt my fish. Not worried about ich. My powered blue , hippo , naso , mata, yellow , chevron, sohal , white tailed , tomini, purple, shoulder all are fat and healthy and been with me over 2 years minimum. So I think obtaining healthy fish and giving them good water and quality food also has a lot to do with disease control
Although I know a lot of people qt and would never tell you not too. Just I don't. But I also won't just buy any fish I see. I only bought from one pet store and roll normally wait 2-3 weeks of observation before I decide to purchase also put all fish first by themselves for 2 weeks to get used to my water and to get used to eating
You can't just throw a new tang in with all those monsters in my 265 and expect it to live and not get stressed
My sohal normally chases everyone around.
To me buying online and not seeing the fish and then subjecting to the stress of shipping isn't for me. That's too much stress a
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