How to make Cheato trustworthy?

running scott

New member
If you get cheato from any source, is there any way to make sure there is no ich or other parasites present without quarantine it for 72 days? Maybe near freezing freshwater dip? Or 100 degree freshwater dip? I don't want to wait 72 or even 35 days to add cheato to my sump, but I'm scared to not take some effective precaution.
I've never had a issue with it but the stuff is unkillable it seems. I always do a good freshwater sit then rinse.

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Did you qt every coral and rock that went into your tank?

Do you put each frag you get in a separate tank fish-less for 72 ?

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Did you qt every coral and rock that went into your tank?

Do you put each frag you get in a separate tank fish-less for 72 ?

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if it's wet, it gets QT'd.

usually with corals i do a multi stage dip, followed by a shorter QT period and a redip before going in to the big pool.
How to make Cheato trustworthy?

if it's wet, it gets QT'd.

usually with corals i do a multi stage dip, followed by a shorter QT period and a redip before going in to the big pool.

I think what Anthonys51 was getting at was, if he HASNT QTd everything else going into the tank, why bother QTing the chaeto, since pathogens are probably already present.

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If your worried about ich a short qt and dips won't work

Then why don't you just do the same with the cheato
Especially if it's been working with the corals

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I think what mongoBongo was getting at was, if he HASNT QTd everything else going into the tank, why bother QTing the chaeto, since pathogens are probably already present.

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It was me who said that. But yes

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If your worried about ich a short qt and dips won't work

Then why don't you just do the same with the cheato
Especially if it's been working with the corals

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Define short?

I consider 16 days short, compared to 76.

So yes, a CoralRX dip and a short 16 day fallow QT will work for chaeto

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Define short?

I consider 16 days short, compared to 76.

So yes, a CoralRX dip and a short 16 day fallow QT will work for chaeto

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I am not a disease expert. But a few strains of ich can live dormant for 72 day. So 16 days isn't enough

That being said I don't qt my fish. Not worried about ich. My powered blue , hippo , naso , mata, yellow , chevron, sohal , white tailed , tomini, purple, shoulder all are fat and healthy and been with me over 2 years minimum. So I think obtaining healthy fish and giving them good water and quality food also has a lot to do with disease control

Although I know a lot of people qt and would never tell you not too. Just I don't. But I also won't just buy any fish I see. I only bought from one pet store and roll normally wait 2-3 weeks of observation before I decide to purchase also put all fish first by themselves for 2 weeks to get used to my water and to get used to eating

You can't just throw a new tang in with all those monsters in my 265 and expect it to live and not get stressed
My sohal normally chases everyone around. :)

To me buying online and not seeing the fish and then subjecting to the stress of shipping isn't for me. That's too much stress a

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Define short?

I consider 16 days short, compared to 76.

So yes, a CoralRX dip and a short 16 day fallow QT will work for chaeto

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Or the shorter answer is your giving your opinion and passing it off as fact
While I agree 16 days is more than enough it's not factual that 16 days fallow is enough for ich

72 days is a fact that experts tested
It's not my opinion

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I am not a disease expert. But a few strains of ich can live dormant for 72 day. So 16 days isn't enough

That being said I don't qt my fish. Not worried about ich. My powered blue , hippo , naso , mata, yellow , chevron, sohal , white tailed , tomini, purple, shoulder all are fat and healthy and been with me over 2 years minimum. So I think obtaining healthy fish and giving them good water and quality food also has a lot to do with disease control

Although I know a lot of people qt and would never tell you not too. Just I don't. But I also won't just buy any fish I see. I only bought from one pet store and roll normally wait 2-3 weeks of observation before I decide to purchase also put all fish first by themselves for 2 weeks to get used to my water and to get used to eating

You can't just throw a new tang in with all those monsters in my 265 and expect it to live and not get stressed
My sohal normally chases everyone around. :)

To me buying online and not seeing the fish and then subjecting to the stress of shipping isn't for me. That's too much stress a

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The 72 days is for the encysted stage that cannot attach to chaeto. The concern is the free-swimming stage that is seeking out a fish host. For ich, it starves after 2 days. For velvet, it starved after 15 days. That's why we do 16 day qt for chaeto

16 days is absolutely enough when dealing with free-swimming pathogens

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The 72 days is for the encysted stage that cannot attach to chaeto. The concern is the free-swimming stage that is seeking out a fish host. For ich, it starves after 2 days. For velvet, it starved after 15 days. That's why we do 16 day qt for chaeto

16 days is absolutely enough when dealing with free-swimming pathogens

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You know for a fact that ich can't encrust to macro algae

I never read that anywhere

If you have I stand corrected. But is it your opinion or fact

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How to make Cheato trustworthy?

You know for a fact that ich can't encrust to macro algae

I never read that anywhere

If you have I stand corrected. But is it your opinion or fact

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It's a known fact.

The encysted stage requires a hard substrate. Rock, glass, skeleton, shell.

Last batch of chaeto I had, I didn't notice a skeleton, or a shell.

If you never read it anywhere, you should read other forums and research a bit.

"œR2r, Humblefish, invert quarantine timelines "œ in google will give you all the info you need.

Oh, and I am an infectious disease expert.

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Then have you heard ich can go airborne

But it can't attach to macro algae

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How to make Cheato trustworthy?

Of course I've heard it can go airborne

The culprit is microdroplets from things like airstones and hob filters causing bubbles to break the surface

My QT area is 10 feet from my sump and wate change equipment , and my fish QT and invert QTs are 12 feet apart because of this.

>> but it can't attach to macroalgae

I can't tell if your being facetious here, but no, it can't. It can be present in the water later surrounding the macroalge, which is why you do a dip and a rinse before putting it in the qt. These actions wash away any "˜associated' (note I didn't say attached) pathogens that are in the water layer

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So it can go airborne but cheato it can't attach

Also 5-10 years ago the experts said it couldn't go airborne

Ps what makes you an expert

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Oh, ffs

My PhD in microbiology and masters in parasitology?


Let me guess. Reef keeping experience and anecdotes

Lots of stuff gets by the experts, until they do the experiments designed to test the parameters.

Airborne transmission of ich and velvet isn't a natural route. I don't see any airstones underwater in the keys. It wasn't considered an issue until someone decided to replicate what happens in the home

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