how to prevent catastrophe?


New member
okay, well i will be setting up my 10 gallon QT tank soon to QT my sps corals for about a week to 10 days. One frag has red bugs, so i am just going to go ahead and take all of them out, treat them in a container with interceptor, and then move them to my QT tank, and let any remaining die out in the tank....heres where things might get hairy...

okay, what do i need to do to make sure that i will not bleach out or RTN all of my corals for the week or so they are in QT? or while they are in treatment for that matter. I will be treating them for an interval of 12hours.

I will treat them in a 10 gallon tank half way filled with water straight from the tank. I will have a powerhead or two to give excellent current to blow the little bastards off. I will have a heater in the tank to keep things comfortable. All corals will be placed on eggcrate which will be on top of pvc fittings.

After i treat them, i will move them to another 10 gallon, completely filled with tank water. I will just be using a HOB filter (aquaclear 30), and a couple of powerheads for circulation. heater is a given... My lighting will be a coralife 150 watt pendant, the one that is currently over my tank.

Does this sound like a procedure that will decrease my chances of massive bleaching? is there anything else you guys would suggest or reccommend i do to help myself and corals out? I was considering running a small air pump and diffuser in the QT to add some oxygen. I need some suggestions from people who have "been there" because i am new to this and i really would like to keep all of my corals alive....sorry for the long post, and thanks guys!
one problem is see is evaporation, which will cause major shifts in water stability on such a small volume of water. an auto top off would help.
what is an easy way to set up an auto top-off system? since i will be home on and off everyday, couldn't i just add RO water maybe 2x daily?
I think topping it off twice a day will be fine.

You might want to think about a fan though, monitor the temp of that 10, I bet it will get really hot with the powerheads and MH over it.

yeah, i was thinking that....i will have the halide pretty far off the tank because all i am trying to do is just keep them alive for that week or so, but yeah, i will definitely keep an eye on the temp...thanks whickey....any other suggestions?
You most likely will need a fan blowing across the water. I had a 250W above my 10 gallon QT and it heated it up quite a bit. Keep watching the temp on the first day so that you can raise the light if needed. I moved mine up 2 inches and added a fan and dropped the temp 4 degrees on the first day.