How to pronounce Tunze?


New member
Like the subject says, how do you pronounce the name Tunze? I am getting a stream pump and I dont want to sound stupid when I talk about what I have. Thanks
When talking about the Tunze, I've been saying it like this:

Other people may pronounce it differently, but that's the way I've been pronouncing it.
Roger needs to create a sticky post at the top of this forum because this question seems to come up every two weeks or so. I'll let roger answer it though cause it's his forum! :)
In German it is pronounced Toon zeh, that last sound is kind of a difficult one that is half way between english eh and ah. Think of Porsche or Miele and how those are pronounced. German has no silent letters with the exception of the ie ei rules, it is a very phonetical language.

The Germans except Tun zee as the standard English pronunciation.
I was right for more than 10 years!

In spanish you say Tunzi!

Best system by the way

Why do Germans have to make everything better!LOL

Tunze, Audi, BMW, MB?

Got two of them, won't change them for all the gold!
They have crap their too. The main difference is the consumers mindset, Americans are used to disposable goods, lighters, pens etc. Everything is cheap and disposable. Germans usually don't make so much money so things have to last and disposable is not an option, they use refillable lighters and pens and drive cars that can take the cold and the salt and sand and still last 10+ years. You pay more upfront in these cicumstances but you save in the long run. I just have to look at my kitchen faucet to have this proven to me, my options were a $350 Grohe faucet or a $150 Price Pfister, well, I cheaped out and now 2 years later the Price Pfister leaks, the soap dispenser is crap, I basically threw away $150. Not to mention the hour I lost installling it. So, next time I will just buy the Grohe and when I die they can bury me with it. If you want to see something even more interesting look at the Chinese stuff they sell in Germany, it is also better, it costs about what the domestic version of the same thing cost but it is much better made than the same product sold in the USA. I was told that the Chinese basically make what people want and if you want crap they'll make it for you. If you'll spend a bit more for better, they'll make that too.
This part don't make sense to me
Germans usually don't make so much money
Given that the product should be more reasonable priced as opposed to high to the sky.
The mark up is insane.
I own one, but it's still hard for me to justify the price.
Well, they really don't they pay 80+% of their income in tax and it costs a lot to live their. A house in Southern Bavaria of maybe 1500 sq ft runs about $400,000. I have yet to see anyone at the factory who is really rich, in fact the people who make the $30 powerheads are likely far richer because their market is for several million pumps for everything from CPU coolers, to small ponds and decorative waterfalls, to turtles and marine aquariums. A Stream has one use and a very small market, even if we could make everything people wanted you are talking about the difference between selling 40,000 pumps per year and 2.5 million pumps per year. Not to mention the differing costs of electricity,fuel and labor between Germany and Italy or China.