How to- Raise Ca and Alk


New member
Hello, I was just wondering how to raise Ca and Alk. My friend has a 12g cube and has been slacking on husbandry, and his Ca is at 360ppm and his Alk is 6 degrees Kh! No wonder his xenia is struggling...anyway, i was just wondering how I could help him raise his Ca and Alk evels with out using half a bottle of daily supplement. i have heard of using baking soda for raising alk but im not sure how much to use per gallon to raise it to 11 dKh. also what can i use to get the Ca to 400 ppm. these are the optimal levels correct()11dkh and 400ppm ca?) thanks for the help in advance.
Try posting this in the Reef Chemistry, or Reef Discussion boards. You will get a lot more response than here in Responsible Reefkeeping.
i got Kent Turbo calcium and i am wondering if i should use the baking soda recipe at the same time when i add this?
You're asking in the wrong forum gsxunv04. You'd be much better off asking in the Reef Chemistry board. Nobody on responsible reefkeeping wants to talk about calcium, they want to talk about responsible reefkeeping.
I'm pretty sure you should just make a new one, but I'll go ahead and answer your question to save you the trouble.

Since the tank in question is so small I think your best bet is just to do a few big water changes with a high alk/calcium salt mix such as reef crystals.

After that maintain calcium and alkalinity levels with one of the over the counter 2 part solutions and a 10%-20% or so water change each month.

It's true that you can cheeply substitute in stuff like backing soda if done right but for a tank that size you're just not going to save much money, and if you mess it up you could kill everything. The best solution is probably just water changes and a easy 2 part for maintenance.