How to remove hard water/stains


New member
Hello fellow reefers. I just purchased a used 120 gal drilled tank. When I got it home I realized it had a few water stains that I cant get off with a razor. I used vinegar and clr so far to try and remove the stains from my glass but to no avail. Well the outside stains did go away a bit but the harder inside stains are not budging. I can used any and all the help I can get. Thank you.
Try soaking a paper towel in vinegar and letting it sit on the glass. The contact time can help.

I've noticed that, a lot of times, after the tank is full of water, those stains can be nearly invisible.
I've thought about that (just adding water and letting the inside soak) but its just an eye sore. I was wondering if I could remove it now while the tank is empty.
Vinegar works for sure, but CLR or Lime-Away might add a little bump in intensity. They make foam sprays so it stays put on the stain. The paper towel method above is a good trick too.

Just make sure to rinse it really well if you go the chemical route!