How to remove Montipora


New member
Need a little help. Somehow a piece of my Montipora Capricornis landed on my Blue Tip Hammer coral and is starting to overtake one of the heads. What is the best way to remove the montipora? Thanks in advance.

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I'll take a better pic tomorrow but it's pretty bright pink, matching my monti. I guess I'll try brush it off and see if it's cyano.

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I could help you if you'd simply bag up some of that Blue Tip Hammer coral and ship it to me. I'll have a answer to your question in six moths to a year, tops. :jester:
I'm no expert but, it seems unlikely a monti would overtake a hammer. Monti's could certainly shade them out from above but, side by side, I would expect a hammer to sting the monti into submission. Having said that, if it is a monti and is indeed attached and overtaking a hammer, I would gently wave my hand (or something else) over/around hammer to get it to retract and then break off monti with fingers/tweezers/tongs. If you take this approach, I would be sure to get the whole thing. You wouldn't want to have to go back at it multiple times. However, as mentioned initially, it seems unlikely that a monti frag that falls into a hammer is a threat to the hammer.

It's definitely not cyano. It's hard whatever it is and that head is slowly dying. Think I'll get the dremel out and take that head off before it spreads any further.

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I wonder if it might be a harmless Foraminiferan? These are hard, bright pink etc. They're also quite common on coral skeletons.