How to stock a 220 tank?


New member
So I am picking up a 220 tank and I keep bouncing around on how to setup the tank. If you where to do a reef tank, how would you stock it? I was a big fan of boxfish, but I know they are not reef safe which is why I bounce back and fourth on this issue. Just seeing what everone would do.
Stocking Suggestions

Stocking Suggestions

OK here would be my list for a reef tank If I was you.

2 Black Occelaris Clowns

1 Orange Shoulder Tang

1 Copper Band Butterfly

1 Many Banded Angel

10 School of Blue Chromies

1 Oragne Diamond Sleeper Goby

1 Bi Color Blennty

I am in the same boat with my 180 after completely redoing it over again.

My choices were: (they are NOT all going in just a rough list i have not narrowed down yet)

sohal tang
purple pseudochromis
springer's dottyback
black cap basslet
royal gramma

and maybe dwarf angels if they are safe enough

I was thinking this time around to stay away from too many larger fish and it would look nicer with more smaller fish.
Well, in my 210 I have

4 yellow tangs
5 green chromis
1 hippo tang
1 saddle puffer
1 fasle perc
1 fire clown
1 spotted mandarin

I plan to add some sort of sand sifting gobey and was thinking about a copper banded butterfly.

I have tried dwarf angels in the past (lemonpeel, flame) Never had good luck until I got my hands on a particularly hardy lemonpeel which i had for almost 2 years. But then I wanted to get a clam, and he immediately started to pick at out he came! So you will have to be very cautios and be prepared to get the dwarf angle out.