How to..

In my welcome, wilsonreefs. it shows that I have 3 notifications. I click on "your notifications" and it takes me to a window that says "There are no new subscribed threads in this folder". How do I read my notifications? (I should know this but has obviously slipped my mind on how to do it)
There should be an arrow next to your notifications that displays a drop down menu. It should show you where your notification is...I.e. new thread quotes, new pm’s, etc
No arrow, just my forum name (wilsonreefs), the last time I visited, and under that a line that says, Your notifications: 3 This is in blue letters and underlined.
Hmm are you clicking on the “Your Notifications” or on your username? When I click my username, I get the message you’re getting but when I click “Your Notifications” it gives me a list of possible notifications.