how to

you have a couple options...
1) hammer and chisel (I'm not kidding...I do his often)
2) dremel
3) carefully cut a couple polyps off and super glue them to another rock.
You can also try getting under them with a tweezer (individual polyps) or the edge of a credit card (connected mats) to pry them up.
They may die if you cut individual polyps, just depends how/where you cut them. In your case I would use the hammer/chisel method.
I have used all these methods in the past and they have worked out great. Hammer and chisel maybe be the easiest when starting out though. HTH
Here's what you do, if the rock is stable, bring it to me at work, and I'll fire up a diamond saw and cut the bugger right in half for you. If you get the 12g nano from me, let me know a day in advance and I'll bring the saw home, and you can bring the rock with you in a bucket.
im most likely going to get the tank from u. but i just wanted to know about the fraggin for the futur cause mine looks like it to big for my tank andi wanted the nano so i can put half of the rock in thier.