How wide to create depth/realism?


So in planning my next tank, I have decided that depth of field or perceived depth is very important to create a realistic appearing window to the ocean. I want input regarding how wide to go... 36"? 40"? 48"? Also what other factors can be recommended to enhance the view? Blue background vs black? I assume external overflows help... What about glass vs acrylic? I have read that acrylic doesn't shrink the depth like glass does. Any aquascaping recommendations? What about purposely lighting the front 1/2 to 2/3 of the tank only so that the back fades away? Would this make the tank appear deeper?

Let me know what you think?
I think that the worst thing a person can do if they are trying to create depth is to have an inwall tank. Nothing seems to clue the brain into how deep a tank is front to back like actually seeing a side panel.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8879932#post8879932 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dascharisma
I think that the worst thing a person can do if they are trying to create depth is to have an inwall tank. Nothing seems to clue the brain into how deep a tank is front to back like actually seeing a side panel.


I hear ya there, looks like a pisture most of the time, thats why I did inwall 1 side and 2 sides viewable in the other room, this way from one room you get the endview and truly see the depth
Okay so the wider the better, but at the same rate 96" deep isn't practical for most of us... Max I'd ever go is 48" for cleaning etc... What about the other questions posed? What else can create depth?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8879932#post8879932 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dascharisma
I think that the worst thing a person can do if they are trying to create depth is to have an inwall tank. Nothing seems to clue the brain into how deep a tank is front to back like actually seeing a side panel.


I would have to disagree somewhat. I understand what you're saying, but I think a well done inwall tank can acheive as much "depth perception" as any other. I would also reference Steve Weasts' tank as a good example, which is of course an inwall tank. For an inwall tank, I think a central sand channel and lighting that de-emphasizes the side walls and back wall helps a lot (as Steve has done).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8882463#post8882463 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ccondo
Okay so the wider the better, but at the same rate 96" deep isn't practical for most of us... Max I'd ever go is 48" for cleaning etc... What about the other questions posed? What else can create depth?

I'd agree that Steve's tank is not what most of would ever be able to do. My point was that you are looking for a realistic view for your tank and your looking for depth perception. I would recommend go as wide as you can.
Don't use Starphire. It tends to magnify everything. The increased clarity works against the illusion of depth.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8886208#post8886208 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tacocat
Don't use Starphire. It tends to magnify everything. The increased clarity works against the illusion of depth.

Really? I have never heard that before. I guess I need to see a good starfire tank.
36 is not that deep realistically. If you really want the depth go 48" Also blue back to me gives more depth. I don't like it as much as black and I have black but blue gives more depth. Also keep a little turbidity in your water so you can "see" the depth. Maybe a macro fuge and no carbon. Other thing is to not build a wall. Leave some channels so you see way back.
quote:Originally posted by tacocat
Don't use Starphire. It tends to magnify everything. The increased clarity works against the illusion of depth.

Really? I thought acrylic could be used to create more depth because it was more clear and because it's refractive index is closer to that of water, therefore decreasing the "magnifying effect."
Starphire is glass. I noticed that things look closer in every Straphire tank I have seen. In fact, my tank doesn't look 4 ft deep. I'd say the back of the tank looks more vivid than a 2 ft deep tank made of regular glass.

Personally, I like the clarity and feel it is more than worth the loss of the illusion of depth that standard glass tanks convey. Since, illusion of depth is your goal, I'd stick to acrylic or standard glass.

kwl1763 has the right ideas.
Oregonreef's tank is without a doubt the most well designed tank I have ever seen IMOP.
Here is my 96" x 48" x 30" tank that I setup as an inwall viewable from two sides. I was originally going to go 6' deep but my wife nixed that idea.

Looking down the long axis

Views from the front


I first tried to go with a low rock wall with outcrops of rock on the ends. I like the way this looked down the long axis of the tank but it doesn't do much for depth looking from the front side so I am in the process of creating an additional row of lower rocks that I will put in front of the back wall of rock with various gaps for the fish to swim through.
I don't think the type of glass has much to do with it. You have to think more along the lines of an artist and use the contents to create depth (ex: Paintings and Photos).

And no offense, but the tank above lacks depth perception from the front view due to the fact the rock creates a wall and brings the back of the tank closer to the front.
New to posting here so...I hope this thing works?

I have a 300 Gallon 60" x 31" x 36" in wall. I love this tank but I have many things I would do different if I could. First I would move the overflow out of the tank so it would give me more depth. Second I would not have made that giant rock wall. It makes my 31" depth look like 12". I do agree that having one end showing helps show the depth. I have one end showing and it is my favorite place to stand and look.


A couple things that I've found that helps with a greater perceived depth....

1) Keep the back panel clean. A coralline back destroys an infinite depth perception. The coralline draws the line where the tank ends.

2) Do not construct the tank with a colored rear panel....use a clear panel instead. This way, you can place a thin colored acrylic panel (any color that you want) against the rear outside panel. This will allow you to change the color in the future if you desire.

3) Don't use a blue competes with coral color as well as defines the rear limit of the tank to the eye.

4) Black is really the best choice.....well....maybe second best...the best one that I've ever seen was a thin shadow box of about 3". It used a very dark blue (almost black) piece of acrylic that pressed against the rear of the tank. Above that piece was a single low wattage T5 bulb that cast down through the acrylic.....creating a graduated backlit rear panel. Closest thing to reality that I've ever seen. I plan to convert my rear panel to something like that one day soon.

5) Have your aquascaping formed so that it draws your eye back. That's why mine is formed like a triangle to give the impression of greater depth.

6) In the future, don't let the corals become overgrown. An over crowded tank destroys the depth perception.


I will be setting up my 180 this month. I love the lit shadow box idea. Do you know how thick the piece of acrylic was that was used in the shadow box? Also is there a photo of this type set up any where. I can imagine how the light would be more intense at the top and fade toward the bottom. ( Just like the ocean!) I wonder how thick the sheet of acrylic would need to be