How would you plumb this 265g?


New member
Just got this tank and unsure how I want to plumb it. Theoretically I'd do two corner overflows but my issue is since this is an older tank, albeit brand new, the drilled holes on the bottom are about 17" apart which would make for two very large corner overflows. Looking for ideas. Had a badass bean animal system on the last tank but likely doing a Durso setup on this one. Thanks fellas!

Had a badass bean animal system on the last tank but likely doing a Durso setup on this one.

Boo.. Hiss.. :facepalm:

I'd drill the back and do a bean with an external overflow box and use the bottom holes for a nice closed loop circulation system..
Good thoughts. Not sure how to do a closed loop however to be honest.

A closed loop is simply having 1 hole plumbed to the input of a pump (typically an external located near by) and the outlet going to a second hole (or 2 in/2out in your case) just creates flow like a powerhead yet there isnt a visible powerhead in the tank to distract visually.
You could use the inner 2 holes as inlets and outer 2 as outlets or whatever...
Add grills/elbows out of holes in rocks or whatever...

Google search for closed loop aquarium will yield tons of info
Being that a sump is basically just a place to hide your equipment, one up and one down... Lots of chaotic flow in the DT. GL.
I would drill holes for my own overflows in the back.

Those holes on the bottom would work as a closed loop, but won't work well for anything else as is. I would patch them with glass...or install bulkheads and plugs.
You don't have to do anything..
You could just do a durso or even a herbie with one or 2 of those holes..
You can still even do a coast-coast like overflow box and just have the plumbing come down out the bottom of that box exposed and down into those holes if you wanted..
(failure of a bulkhead seal though would mean the entire tank could drain so thats generally not a good/smart idea)..
You could just do a herbie and typical corner/full height overflow box and live with an inferior drain system ;) )
You could just go sumpless and just run a close loop and leave it at that..
sumps IMO are overrated.. too many think you must have one to have a successful system..
What if I did two small corner overflows with two Durso drains and then used black pvc for my returns which would be the middle holes. I see what you're saying about seals failing so it does keep me from wanting to do that real bad.

The other option like you said would be a large coast to coast overflow. Hmmm.
I'm not sure I'm following...

You are thinking of having a durso drain in each corner, that's visible in the display, and not in a box? Or building a box around the existing holes with glass or plastic?