How's the Marshal Look?

Avast Marine

.Registered Member
I am setting up a new tank and am probably going to order 75# of the Marshal Islands Cured in about 2 weeks, or when the weather is perfect. How's the rock look now? 2 day shipping to VA would cost approx how much? This is for a 54 corner so I could take some biggies if you got em.
RE Live Rock

RE Live Rock

I just bought 30# of Rock and it looks okay. The pieces were huge, if that's what you were looking for.
Shipping would run about $40 for ground, which is 2 days to all of Virginia. The rock has looked good recently, but the Marshall looks good more than 90% of the time. Marshall has great shape, if it lacks a little in "hitchhiker life". It still is full of life, and you'll be surprised at the # of things you'll see after a few weeks. Marshall usually has small and large pieces available, so we should be able to get you whatever you'd like.