Hows this for a wave maker?

if i have the Vortech powerheads with the Wave Motion uprade kit, would i need additional wave makers like the one above?
there are a lot of nice tanks that don't even have any "wavemaking" devices in them.(racermike) they just use constant flow. I've got 2 sureflows on a wavemaker and will be adding 2 1" sea swirls on the return. so i guess...whatever floats ur boat!!!
I have 3 seio's in my tank plus the return.

1x1500 on one side
2x1100 on the other

I recently added 2 vortechs to the mix a few months ago as well.
The tank ran with only the SEIOs for a long time though and I got decent growth and coloring.
I like the vortechs a lot. They are pretty nice. I have placed them on wave motion but only to test it out. I don't normally run them this way as I don't want any splashing. You can make a pretty decent wave with them. A single vortech in my 30G frag tank is sufficient enough to create a wave. With two working together you will get a really nice wave:D

I just run mine on one fo the preset programs that come with the wireless controller. The controller comes preprogrammed with 4 modes or programs. Linear, Lagoon Mode, Reefcrest mode, and Pulse(Wave Mode).

I run all of mine on Reefcrest which is more random and turbulent, all I do is adjust the gph i want to have in that mode.

They are simple to use and can work together. You can set master and slaves witht he pumps etc... nice deal plus you can buy the optional backup battery pack which will kick on in the event of a power outtage.

LOL I sound like a salesman.... in short though I am happy with them. I think I am going to buy 3 more.
i was thinking of getting the deal for 2 pumps, the wave motion, and the battery back up for i think $900. they sound nice and from what i hear are the best around. im not messin around with this 300 gallon system. it wont see water till i have all the equipment for it. im going with the LED lights and all.

Have you seen the LEDs in person? All of the ones I have seen so far have not really impressed me. I still love my halides LOL
not yet. id love to see someones tank with em if they have some setup. i like the energy savings, and bulb life, and no heat of it. those are my favorite things about it. plus no need for a chiller with em :)