Hows this for tank deminsions?

Chef Reef

In Memoriam
I was thinking of some deminsions for the tank im going to get once I move. I want to stick with my current stand as it is brand new and has plenty of space inside for almost anything I want. It's a 6 ft stand, but its front to back is only 18 inches.

I was thinking of this for the tank itself,

Tank Length = 60.5 inches
Tank Width = 18 inches
Tank Height = 42 inches

Tank volume is calculated as
Tank Volume = 198 Gallons

Either that or build some kind of extention onto the stand I have to make it wider possibly to about 25 inches, making it...

Tank Length = 60.5 inches
Tank Width = 25 inches
Tank Height = 42 inches

Tank volume is calculated as
Tank Volume = 275 Gallons

The length cant really change and the heights can be adjusted but I would like to keep the height stated. If my tank has that height my total setup would stand 83 inches, not including any light setup or canopy I would have. :D

Im not to concerned about the depth but staring at my 90 gal tank next to my stand I think 18 inch depth might look a little off for such a tall tank. Any opinions on this? And possible a safe way to add an extenstion to the current stand to add the extra 7 inches in width?
Tank height is waaay too high imho, I would prefer depth over height... something like 60.5l x 42d x 18h would be nice ;)

Or just do 60.5" long, 25" deep, 30" high

I want a tank that is 72" Long, 36" deep, 36" high :) one day, one day...
Problem with tall talks, esspecially 42" high and only 18" wide is setting up the rocks so there isn't so many shade spots and hoping the lighting will penetrate enough to the bottom of the tank.

-Mike C.
a fellow reefer suggested using 1000 watt lights O_o. dunno how much that would cost. ya the rock work would be a challange but i think i can pull it off. or at least i hope i can :)
IMO opinion, the biggest issue with tall tanks is maintenance. A 30" tall tank pushes the limits for the average person in terms of being able to reach the bottom of the tank. You'd need a snorkle to retrieve and replace that piece of coral that fell to the bottom.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12550526#post12550526 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lpsluver
IMO opinion, the biggest issue with tall tanks is maintenance. A 30" tall tank pushes the limits for the average person in terms of being able to reach the bottom of the tank. You'd need a snorkle to retrieve and replace that piece of coral that fell to the bottom.

yeap, and goodluck fitting your arm or anything else down a 42" high tank with only a few inches of depth available because of the rocks.
I would swap the height for the depth. Tanks that are deep (horizontally) are SICK. There's a 200g in the LFS up here that I fell in love with. it was 48x36x24. Ah awesome.

I'm not a fan of tall, because while you do have more upward room to grow SPS, you lose light intenisty so you either have to keep less light demanding corals, or you've got to pump it up with reflectors and higher wattages as was said before. Maintenence will definitely be a HUGE PITA,
i do not want a deep tank. i want a tall tank, i know the maintence isues :) i have a good arm's length reach (im 6'4) and i would love to go snorkaling in my tank :) it be like diving off a reef :P
My tank is 30" tall. When I work on it I wish it was shorter. When I look at it I wish it was Taller.

Where there is a will there is a way my friend. However, I would caution against planning on using a snorkle and mask because you may contaminate the tank or worse yourself. Think about this long and hard.... Then make your own decision.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12552622#post12552622 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chef Reef
i do not want a deep tank. i want a tall tank, i know the maintence isues :) i have a good arm's length reach (im 6'4) and i would love to go snorkaling in my tank :) it be like diving off a reef :P

Your not going to be able to go snorkeling in a 18" wide tank...

if your going to go for 42" tall tank, get alot of halides and some t-5's to help you penetrate to the bottom of the tank, and go wider, 18" wide and 42" high will look extremely awkward...
im not doign 18 inches im gonna do it 25. lol and it was a joke about snorkeling. i was thinking about 2-3 400 watt MH's or look into something a little stronger. im not looking to keep much on the bottom it will mostely be half way up the tank, maybe 3/4 the way up. ill draw something up to show you all what im planing as for aquascaping and everything. hopefully you all will think better of it when im done :)
there's a complete 1000 watt set-up sitting in the pawn shop here if your was less then $300.
Sean I have a tank that is 30" tall and It is a pain to work on. I would definitely go with a wider tank and no more that 30 max tall. That height is IMO perfect. Just modify your stand to be taller so the tank has the illusion of being that height. Off topic, Carlos said that you may have a 120 gallon for sale. is there any truth to that statement? If so, let me know prices. also, did you want that program? Give me a call.
oy! i dont even own a 120 lol. i had a 55 for sale awhile back. ya id like the program. ill get it from you tomorrow (saturday). ill give you a call. pm me your number again just in case i cant find it.
hey steve i might be selling my 150g ill call you tommorrow. i think i might be getting a 300. we will see...
This is kinda what i want it to look like, aquascaping wise.
I may need to add more vortechs, possibly 2 more to the design and im not sure if the solaris can handle that depth (but i think it can). Tell me what you think..

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12556526#post12556526 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by smchais
Sean I have a tank that is 30" tall and It is a pain to work on. I would definitely go with a wider tank and no more that 30 max tall. That height is IMO perfect. Just modify your stand to be taller so the tank has the illusion of being that height.

this was my old tank, and i agree although i loved the way it looked it was very difficult to work in. if i had it all over to do again i would not go taller than 24", but thats IMO