Hows this for tank deminsions?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12552906#post12552906 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ej797
My tank is 30" tall. When I work on it I wish it was shorter. When I look at it I wish it was Taller.

Where there is a will there is a way my friend. However, I would caution against planning on using a snorkle and mask because you may contaminate the tank or worse yourself. Think about this long and hard.... Then make your own decision.

I forgot something I wanted to say here... DON'T DO IT. what I meant by make your own decision is this:

Let us convince you to go no higher then 30" onced yoor are convinced... Consider it your decision!!

thats going to be one expensive tank... 4-5k into lighting and 1k for the power heads, thats not including the custom make of the tank, the stand, plumbing, sump/fuge, skimmer, calcium reactor, kalk mixer, return pump, monitors, controllers, etc.

Would be interesting to see done though, goodluck!
-Mike C.
Ya i love working on the tank, I could do it all day long so being so tall wont bee a PITA to me :) I'v been putting alot of thought into it (about 6 months worth) And still have more planning to do to make sure it goes smooth. And yep its going to be one expenssive tank setup. I priced the lights, PH's, skimmer, return, monitors, and controllers so far for it and its about $8000.00 the stand is allready done, I over built my stand for my 55 to old a large 5 foot tank.

Once its done i think everyone who is telling me not to do it is just going to be like "Wow." (Or at least i hope so)
If I had 8 grand to spend...I think I'd buy a bike. LOL. or maybe a wave runner. but anyway. as any tank. once it's setup it'll be impressive. but all the talk about setting it up is well...just talk!
heh, i cant set it up till i move :) wont start putting anything together till mid august. but im already getting together some equipment for it.

ya a bike would be nice, im looking into getting a R1.
Chef reef i'm doing the same, i"m ordering all the equipment for my upcoming set-up, most probably a 265 gallon- to a 300 gallon..... I can't wait to upgrade, but i'm estimating everthing to be ready for about the same time, August...... If you have some extra time, shoot me a PM and let me know how your planning your set up and what equipment your using
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12573577#post12573577 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chef Reef
Ya i love working on the tank, I could do it all day long so being so tall wont bee a PITA to me :) I'v been putting alot of thought into it (about 6 months worth) And still have more planning to do to make sure it goes smooth. And yep its going to be one expenssive tank setup. I priced the lights, PH's, skimmer, return, monitors, and controllers so far for it and its about $8000.00 the stand is allready done, I over built my stand for my 55 to old a large 5 foot tank.

You will end up building a new stand, as what you talk about extending it, might not work out so well as you plan.

$3,500 (Lights) + $1,000 (PH's) + $220 (Return) + $650 (decent skimmer) + $250 - $2,400 (depending on monitors/controllers) - this doesn't included calcium reactor and all accessories, kalk reactor, and sump / refugium as well as other necesarry accessories (auto top off) , heaters, all the plumbing, a REALLY long aquathong, lol

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12573577#post12573577 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chef Reef

Once its done i think everyone who is telling me not to do it is just going to be like "Wow." (Or at least i hope so)

Or maybe you will realize you should of went with something just a bit shorter :lol:

Good luck with whatever you decide to do, would love to see pictures of the build and how everything comes out.

-Mike C.
Heres the equpiment list so far, not set in stone yet, it all depends on the tank. Plus I still have a few months to change things which i probably will. Keep in mind this will all be happening over the next year before it is completely setup.

So far this is what i have saved in my "shopping cart" and i'v been ordering stuff as the money comes in. Alot of this stuff is way expensive but i'm trying to make it so I dont have to re buy something later becuase the original wasnt good enough. Let me know if you see something that should be changed.


Deltec External Protein Skimmer AP1003 - $3657.99

Current USA 40 watt Gamma Ultraviolet Sterilizer - $174.99

AquaC RX-1 Calcium Reactor - $429.99

Ecotech Marine VorTech Propeller Pumps with Wave Driver (2xMP40W Units) + Battery Backup (1xUnit) - $989.97

Red Sea AquaZone Deluxe 200 mg/hr ozonizer - $488.99

Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155 - $195.59

Captive Purity Refractometer with Calibration Dial - $89.99

ReefKeeper 2 or 3. (leaning towards 3) - $269.99 - (I think its $500.00?)

Digital Aquatics Expansion Socket for ReefKeeper Controller - $44.99

American Marine Pinpoint II Calcium Monitor - $249.99

American Marine Pinpoint Nitrate Monitor - $239.95

Solaris-I-60-20K W/ mounting legs - $3474

As far as return pumps go im not to sure on that at all. can someone recomend one and why?
JMO but I gotta imagine that you can buy a perfectly good, long lasting skimmer for a price that would move that decimel place 1 spot to the left or close to it.

I can't imagine a scenario, no matter how much money I had, where I would ever spend that kind of money on a skimmer. Lots of good one out there, that are lots cheaper.

No need to flame...Just my opinion.:)

Have you seen the custom tall tanks they have on display at Big Al's? If not, you should take a field trip and check them out. They are NICE!!!

Good Luck And Have Fun!!!;
lol @ Deltec External Protein Skimmer AP1003 - $3657.99

Just buy a Reeflo Orca skimmer cost you 1200$ and its a ridiculous skimmer...

As for pump, run a Reeflo Dart (3600gph) ($220) or the Barracuda (4300gph) ($290)...

But enough talk, lets see some action...
I havent been up to big al's in awhile i dont remember seeing those when i was last up there.

i had a feeling people were gonna flame on the skimmer. whats special about the orca skimmer?

Hows the heat and noise on the barracuda?

You wont see to much action till i move.. less stuff to move means smaller uhaul which means less spent on uhaul which means more money on tank :)
Heat? With barracuda? IT's a external pump from Reeflo that generates virtually no heat to your tank and only uses a average wattage of 225, the DART uses 135 watts.

Have you seen the Reeflo Orca at work? Check out the video here on youtube; - thing is a beast, with pump, plug and play, max $1,300..

I would get that over Deltec any day - they need to open there eyes and realize there are way too many up coming companies here in north america that build just as good products now for incredibly cheaper.

That is actually the skimmer I am going to get once I expand my frag system with the display.

-Mike C.
I havent looked into the skimmer to much yet, just at a glance i liked the stats of it.

the dart is cheaper to run but do you think that the less GPH is worth it?

Ill check out the Orca in a min.
Just a quick note, just cause it cost more and has the name deltec on it, doesn't mean its always the better buy ;)

I'd look into the lighting system your planning on buying as well, many have gone back to MH and T-5's...
i might have to do the MH setup only becuase im not sure how deep the LED will reach. iv seen em up and running on 2 different tanks and like em.

that orca ran pretty loud too. was it just his or is that how they all run?
He could have had his volume up high on the camera or that is just other equipment, I have seen this skimmer running in person and its no where near that loud.

All i can say is BEAST!
You might want to actually look at getting the snapper if the sump and everything is in close proximity. I have the dart running in my setup right now and I have it turned way down because of too much water movement. It is so quiet that I could have the tank running in my bedroom and it wouldn't be bad. The actual water moving is louder than the pump itself. As far as the skimmer, The deltec is great, but I would go with something like Mike said or something like a large ETSS skimmer.