Anyone looking to fill their garage or a portion of it with goodies? 33 gallon cube (plumbed for closed loop) with a 30 gallon sump. Comes with a Supreme 950 GPH magnetic drive pump and a Supreme 500 GPH magnetic drive pump and 2 96 watt coralife ballasts. I have over 150 lbs of rock, about 50 lbs of CaribSea Aragonite, 1 bag (50lbs) of instant ocean, tote full of miscellaneous pumps heaters and filters, 10-gallon nano cube, aquatic urchin sump, penn-play cascade 1000 canister filter, dual 250 metal halide ballast with lights (one side has problems, only works some times, otherwise is flawless), 20 gallon sump tank, 2-10 gallon grow/quarantine tanks, ocean clean canister filter, various thermometers and timers, 3 full cans of handi foam for rock modeling, various chemical test sets and cleaning supplies. $500 takes the lot. Plenty of pics available.
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