humidity problem-basement dehumidifier advice requested


New member
I am currently in the process of setting up a 400 gallon SPS reef system in my new house/basement which is producing a lot of condensation/humidity. The basement is unfinished, new construction. I have no immediate plans or the budget to finish the basement at this time. My aquarium is located in a corner of my basement next to basement sump and near two windows. I am thinking about installing a basement dehumidifier that will drain directly in my basement sump. I would also prefer an energy efficient dehumidifier that runs quiet.

I have no experience with dehumidifiers and would appreciate any information you can provide on what are the good brands, prices, etc.

Do not drain the water into your sump, it will collect all the dirt and crap in the air along with the water.

See how much you evaporate a day and hit up a home depot or something and ask them for something that can pull out the same amount a day.

although if your already having issues like that you might just want to look into an air exchanger.
Air exchanger would be ideal, but a dehumidifier would be my next choice. I have one, and do drain it into the crock, it may not be ideal, but it works. Keep in mind a dehumidifier is EXPENSIVE to run, some models >$50/month.

You may only need to run it in the summer though, or at least when the heat is not on. In my basement that is the case anyway, but I only have 100 gallons down there.
This should be pretty easy to do since the basement is unfinished. Run a a 6" duct to the outside. Then use a fan with a humidistat to vent out the air through your duct.
^^^ That works, until the humidity OUTSIDE exceeds the humidity inside. In my neck of the woods, that is all summer!
Thanks for the replies. What will an air exchanger do to eliminate the humidity in my basement? Unfortunately, my tank area will not be closed off from the rest of the basement. Would an air exchanger be enough to eliminate the humidity problem in the entire basement? If I go with a basement dehumidifier, I also have the option to drain it in the water heater drain as well (or the sump).