

i have a 6100 i just took out of the box and got it setup last night and was running perfectly for about a little over 5 minutes , now from that point on its been humming every time it kicks on . it is set at 100% and 30 % . my wife has already commented on the noise so i'm just curious if this is normal to be heard out side of the tank because i could only imagine what it sounds like on the inside the tank . i also have a 6200 i have not taken out of the box yet because i not sure if i want to deal with this type of humming noise if it is normal . thanks in advance
You have 6100 and 6200 pumps that are new in box? These haven't been made for more than 2 years? Are you sure they are not 6105 and 6205? Please clarify as the model is important as they are built differently and noise will have different causes.
yes boxes say stream 6100 and the other box say stream 6200 the 6200 is brown . i bought them from old town aquarium here in chicago a few months ago and just getting them setup now.
The brown pumps were discontinued 4 years ago. But anyway, the older 6100 and 6200 tended to be noisy at first and quiet down after a couple weeks of use, they had a normal break in period and after 2 weeks the noise generally was cut in half. After that you won't be able to hear them much beyond 1-2 ft from the aquarium.