'Hutch' 3 Inches (Odontodactylus scyllarus)


Mantis Shrimp Addict

Update on the small male Peacock i bought from the Diver's Den. When i saw it was rather nice looking, since lately from Diver's Den their Peacocks been dark or or beaten up. This little bugger had a nice two tone :) When i got it I was expecting on getting another female but to my surprise it was a boy! I haven't had a male Peacock for a long time. His temperaments really nice. Not aggressive reminds me of my very first Peacock. Brings on old memories...

I don't typically take videos of my Mantis Shrimps with music. But in this case i was surfing the web and listening to iTunes. Heard a loud click! Across the room to 'Hutch' was out. So i grabbed the iTouch and ran over to his tank and forgot to turn off iTunes. It was ether that or i miss his business, lol. Here is the one video i took that i cut up in to smaller clips. I trimmed them base on each track, since its already there, lol Plus the original clip had long moments when he went in and out of his burrow and some times don't come on out right away. Sorry for the glass...its oddly blurry from the inside, wanted to wipe it but it might scare Hutch away. So, don't like music, please 'mute' the sound :)

I have 'Hutch' in a 30 Gallon Long tank with 15 pounds of live rock rubble. Lighting is a simple T5 Actinic bulb. Main filtration is an Eheim Classic Canister Series 2217. Its also feed by cooler water from the Larger Reef System and water is exchanged out by a small pump.

Part One - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxrRqVxc0uU

Part Two - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxEhItAF-co

Can't wait to see more of 'Hutch'!

Unfortunately I cannot watch the vids yet...when I get home from work!
No lack of stuff for him to play with.

I like that you went with a reef flat them in your tank. Good job keep the updates coming.
No lack of stuff for him to play with.

I like that you went with a reef flat them in your tank. Good job keep the updates coming.

Thanks :)

I had this tank set up for when IF an O. japonicus would land on my lap, lol. I doubt that, so i put 'Hutch' there instead. He hasn't been a disappointment...his been making a good home of the burrow i pre-made. If it was an O. japonicus...you would see it expand on the burrow openings. Hutch seems to be more interested in tidying the inside of the burrow. I'm enjoying his temperament also. Carefree...doesn't mind my hands in the tank or if i'm filming him. His not overly aggressive, he hides from hermit crabs, lol. Unless if i crack open the shell for him. Then yah he wacks away at it. I might change his lighting but i think his more out because of it. So, i don't know. This lighting is not so good for filming, lol.
I second the idea of adding for the sole purpose of filming but not for a day light cycle. Remember that the peacock = superman, light = kryptonite. Only use lighting to show the animal for minimal times.

I like what you did due to it being a specimen built tank. I like this kind of thing. More natural to the animal I am sure.