Hydrogen peroxide Dips


New member
I had one zoa colony and one frag some down with some kind of fungus. I pulled them and moved them over to my QT. I bought some hydrogen peroxide spray and based on a post on another reefing site, sprayed each and held them for 30 seconds. After the 30 seconds, I dipped them in a bucket of tank water for about two minutes. Swished them around pretty well to make sure I got all the peroxide off. Then, I put them back into the QT. This is only day 1 since the dip and they look rough, but the white spots are down to a minimum since yesterday. I'll keep up with the thread and post an update in a week or so.


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I've done 5 minute dips in a 50/50 peroxide and tank water mix and the zoas were fine. Opened up the next day nicer than before. My dipping was to eliminate algae that formed between the polyps on frag plugs, not fungus.
Agreed, to get rid of algae. Never heard of fungus being eliminated that way. If you have a link about it, please post it.
I know a guy who used peroxide for the "fungus".
He did kill the white film but it returned after a day, so he dipped again and after the 3rd day it was gone. That's what he told me!
Please avoid brush the polyps off. That can damage them.
I recommend 25%(H2O2)/75%(tank water). That should be enough. Perhaps for like 3 min. Some zoas will be affected by that, so reduce the time if you observe any damage on the polyps.

You can try Lugol's solution for that too and it's basically the same process. One dip per day.
Some times the white film has already killed the polyps and you'll need to cut them off before dipping.
That's nasty stuff and stinks really bad!!!
Sorry to hear that!
Goos luck!
