Put together about a year and a half ago.:dance:
Amazon can be your friend with this endeavor, but don't be afraid to shop locally as well.
Hydrofarm HGSFT24 2-Foot by 4-Foot Tray Stand with light hanging cross bar
Botanicare or Hydrofarm Grow Tray, 2 by 4-Feet, White (I prefer the 8" deep version myself)
"egg crate" light diffuser with cut pvc standoffs to raise it enough for frag plugs
ends cut to make room for drain/fill/emergency overflow fittings
Apollo Horticulture T5 4 Feet / 6 Tube Commercial Fixture (6 X 54W fixture) - I'm using an assortment of actinic, daylight, and color bulbs.
A couple of bulkheads, a little bit of PVC pipe, and a spare sump and pump I just happened to have lying about. Add things to it such as a skimmer, dosing pumps for water exchange, ATO for evaporation, etc.
Fiji shipment from this past March
Hope this helps,