Hydroponics tray style prop system


Premium Member
Does anybody still offer setups like BRS use to sell a few years back? Or is anybody currently running a prop system with the hydroponics style tray? Have some ideas for setting one up but wanted to get some opinions from those with first hand experience, both pros and cons of still style setup vs. traditional acrylic tanks. Is the only benefit of a hydro tray style system the cost savings?
I love the brs system so much i tired to piece it together. It is way over the 450 when you add the ati lights. I decided to go with a rubbermaid 50g instead of the tray mainly because i liked the depth and thickness. I went with plastic, over a tradition acrlyic frag tank because of cost.
Cool thanks for the input! What did you like about it so much? The adjustable light stage? The wheels? The tank style? I'm trying to come up with my own prop system kit but want it to be user friendly and affordable to piece together, sorta like the BRS systems were.
I found the parts from a local garden center. It worked but, it was not great. You'll get a lot of detritus settling in the grooves.
When i watched the video i enjoyed the simplicity of the system. I am not a fan of wheels because anything that bumps it can change stuff. I love the rubbermaid black bins, they just are built for this, only downside is viewing from side is a no go.
Does anybody still offer setups like BRS use to sell a few years back? Or is anybody currently running a prop system with the hydroponics style tray? Have some ideas for setting one up but wanted to get some opinions from those with first hand experience, both pros and cons of still style setup vs. traditional acrylic tanks. Is the only benefit of a hydro tray style system the cost savings?

$80 tray, $90 home depot metal stand 72H,48L,24W. I'm going to run an 48' 8 bulb sun power ati fixture on it when i get more frags, running 175w 14k metal halides on it now.



Very simple cheap set up
Easy access to corals
Adjustable height with the metal stand points
Hang just about any light you want on it using hooks

Only viewable from the top
Water heigh is short like 6inches
holds about 20 gal/less water but if plumbed into a larger sump will help keep system stable.
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Put together about a year and a half ago.:dance:
Amazon can be your friend with this endeavor, but don't be afraid to shop locally as well.:p

Hydrofarm HGSFT24 2-Foot by 4-Foot Tray Stand with light hanging cross bar

Botanicare or Hydrofarm Grow Tray, 2 by 4-Feet, White (I prefer the 8" deep version myself)

"egg crate" light diffuser with cut pvc standoffs to raise it enough for frag plugs

ends cut to make room for drain/fill/emergency overflow fittings

Apollo Horticulture T5 4 Feet / 6 Tube Commercial Fixture (6 X 54W fixture) - I'm using an assortment of actinic, daylight, and color bulbs.

A couple of bulkheads, a little bit of PVC pipe, and a spare sump and pump I just happened to have lying about. Add things to it such as a skimmer, dosing pumps for water exchange, ATO for evaporation, etc.

Fiji shipment from this past March

Hope this helps,