Hydroset electronic thermostat any good?


New member
Hydroset electronic thermostat. Set temperature easily with the ergonomic adjustment knob. Its independent probe works in water or air, displaying reliable LCD readouts in both °F and °C. Flame symbol indicates when heating

Is this any good? Does anyone use one. I figure it will keep the heater from boiling the tank.

I'd just get a ranco if I were you. Rancos are the best I've ever used. I've got a medusa that I'll be getting ready soon, dual stage, comes with probe, has alarm, lots of great features. I've just got to get the socket extensions for my Aquatronica to control the chiller and heater without frying the powerbar.
OK fair enough but those are expensive. At that price I'd get the reef keeper 2.

I should have mentioned that I can get a Hydroset for about $25.

Anyone have used it. I kinda wanna know if its junk.
Well I just got one. Big als has them for clearance at $25. That seems like a small price to pay to protect the tank from a melt down. I will give a review in a week or two.
I may have gotten a lemon, but I got one and my tank overheated. I must have ended up with a defective one. The concept is great, but I am going to contact Hydor and see about a replacement, as I got this one for $25 also on clearance...don't think I can return/exchange it. Think I'll test it out a while on something besides my tank if I do replace to see how stable it is.

I really like the idea and it worked great while it was working properly. Think I had about a +/- 1 degree fluctuation which is pretty good on my little tank!

Wouldn't it have had to failed at the same time as your heater. Your heater should still have turned it self off. I figure I am going to turn up the heater 1 degree over what it is now. Then with this I have a second temp gauge.
Actually, that's where I made a mistake, I just maxed out my heater...duh! Didn't think about setting it a degree higher as a "safety." Sometimes I don't know about me! Luckily my only losses due to my stupidity/defective equipment was some inverts.
ninjamini, I would turn the heater up a few degrees more than the thermostat, not just 1, since the temperatures measured by either device are almost guaranteed to be off from one another.