hyposalinity and macroalgae question!


New member
i am treating my 10g clownfish tank with hyposalinity because of ich. i have a handful of pretty red dragons tongue macro algae in there and I dont want to kill it. will it be ok or do I need to remove it to another tank? then the problem arises, how do I prevent transferring the ich that is potentially on the algae to another one of my tanks? should I keep in in a bucket of salt water outside for a few weeks? thanks for any advice.
Some macor's tolerate low salinity very well and some do not tolerate such changes at all. I do not know which end of the spectrum yours is in. So I would recomend the going the safe route and setting it up in a seperate in a seperate tank with adequate lighting and nutrients for 4 weeks or so.
I that your scopas?
has it kept that color?
good looking algae and fish, it dosent seem to me like a macro that would like the hyposaline treatment. But its up to you...