I believe your email sent me a virus


New member
I just recieved an email from your account that was titled "hello" I was thinking it may have had a catalogue included so I opened the attachment.... Still fighting it...
According to our IT staff:

The current, very prevalent virus is actually the Novarg worm. Please ask the customer to visit: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.novarg.a@mm.html . Most likely that email did not originate from our mail server. We have spent the entire night pining through the logs and our systems are not infected with the novarg virus that is currently prevalent. Most of the inquiries about this topic thus far has been for a lack of checking their header. The worm infected emails are just listing our return email address, but they are originating from other sources. The common originator has been an aquarist friend or another aquarium supplies vendor. As far as we know, this worm is not spoofing any of the IP addresses.

Just to be safe, please ask customers to feel free to email their received emails along with full headers to IT@marinedepot.com .
The file that infected my comp last night was from sales@marinedepot or similar to that. After realizing it was a virus and not a catalogue.... Should have gone with my gut and deleted it... I ran a trial wear antivirus and located the Novarg worm. It had a different name, but still affected the same files and folders. I used bullguard to locate the worm and norton to double check its deletion.
I just wanted to let you know I recieved it, so you could be ready to deal with it. I am sorry I put this in an open forum, but I was thinking others may come here if they too get infected... Thank you for your help and for the great service I have received with every purchase, Travis
This worn spoof's email addresses from the host system you may think it came from one person and it came from somewhere totally different.