<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7552171#post7552171 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by maroun.c
I don't agree with classifying all rich guys as morrons.
Not to say that I agree with having them in tanks...
It's funny people are blamed just for the thought of having them in tanks, and it suddenly becomes illegal to collect them, however no one ever says anything about destroyin their natural environement which is far more destrcutive.
also I never got the feeling when seeing any animal in a zoo that the zoo was protecting this animal or promoting sense of responsibility in anyway. Most of them think of this animal as the endagered and rare addition that would increase the number of customers per day...
You never know but the way things are going for those poor creatures one day the only ones available would be the ones living in aquariums and hopefully by that time we would have cracked the code to have them reproduce in our tanks.