Dave , I appreciated the offer for help. I am going to talk to him and see if I can work the noises out with his help. I'll order one of those silencers you linked to , and see where that gets me.
I have a decent understanding of how the overflow works , I learn better from playing and think I learned more in the 2 or 3 days of playing with it , than any of the reading I did about it.
The possibility of leaks is just another reason I should get a house before I get into this.
Aslav , my empolyment is sketchey I work with a paint crew and sometimes we have work , sometimes we don't. Not in the service either , and no clue on my credit I've never checked it. All this means I KNOW I'd have to have a co-signer.
Scarson , that's the way I was thinking , but now I'm guessing to own for under $900 it isn't going to be nice or in a nice part of town. I don't want to live in the bush

Blindside , I have a 135lbs cheaspek mix and I've never had a complaint about him , luckey too , I don't think any other apartment complexes would take him.
I'm trying to stay positive and I appreciate you guys helping out with info. I get so negative some times I act like the world is ending and theres no way around it.
I'm a big puss when it comes to management , I'm breaking alot of the rules . Not with the aqaurium , but let's just say if mangament comes in here unexpectedly , I would probablly get kicked out and since I don't know where I can go with my large dog and other problems , I am very wary of making waves with the neighbors.