I.D. This Acropora


New member
I just got this Acropora today. It is my first SPS. Could you help me in I.D. this acropora. Also on acouple of the arms it has what appears to be green algea coming from it is this normal?

Probably not an Acropora, it really does not show the right structure. Possibly Hydnophora, but I'm no expert. Others will chime in. Great formation though.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10670778#post10670778 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JackKerouac
is a Pectinia alcicornis or teres

Agreed as well.

It most likely does not being up so high in the tank.
Does itget fuzzy. If not then its Pectinia alcicornis or teres. If it does, its hydno. Frag the tips with the algae off. Its dead.