I finally fund Maine.


In Memoriam
No just kidding I knew where it was all along. I live here. But I have been looking for a local club to join.looks like I found one.

New to the local form and just saying hi.

Hop to do some trading soon.
Our meets are held at varius houses of members on a 'adopt a month' basis as well as an annual swap/auction and at least one guest speaker a year. Past speakers have been: Greg Hiller of BRS who did a frag demo in Portland, who also brought along a lot of great frags to sell at rock bottom prices. Anthony Calfo who spoke about corals and did a coral frag demo at Bowdoin College, and donated some great stuff including a set of his new posters that I was lucky enough to win in raffle, along with Frank Marini who talked about the fish in our tanks. And taaadaaa........ Barry Neigut of clamsdirect.com who talked about clams AND gave us a really good deal on a group clam order, as well as brought some advance copies of a great clam book he collaborated on. Whew, enough to make you want to join? Sue
Yes I am very interested in joining SWAM.
Just not sure on how many of the meetings I will be able to get to.
But most of all I am looking forward to meeting all of the Reefers in Maine. For a while I thought that I may be the only one here.:D
Glad you found us... ! How did you happen upon us anyway?
Where do you usually shop for marine supplies and LS?

I know what you mean about beeing the only reefer in ME, that's why SWAM was started

Hello, my name is Denise and I am an addict ;)

Weclome. You aren't far from a few of us. I'm in OOB. Meetings are a great way to meet every1 and view other setups. Mitz, also an addict