I give up, I'm switching salt!!!

Still depends on what it mixes at and what your "chasing in the tank". If it mixes to your liking and once in the tank and your having trouble with Alk/Ca/Mg/pH, then not really the salt IMO (and I say IMO). There are so many variables and changing from salt to salt while trying to stabilize just complicates things. I personally like a salt that mixes sub 8.0 on Alk. There are less than more of those so my choices have been limited (I have used Red Sea Blue Bucket for years).

When you say you dose Alk/Ca, what are your dosing levels? I have done as much as 100ml each daily in my 120g before I switched to the 300. I use CaRx now, so easier to just crank it up.

Anyway, my couple of pennies worth :)