I got some mushrooms!


New member
I went to my LFS to take advantage of the sale going on.
I got a nice rock for $15


I want them to reproduce and spread onto the other rocks, but i don't really want to cut them myself and place them onto other rocks. What measures could i take so the spread quickly. I have them under 65 watts powercompacts. I plan to upgrade to 130 watts later. Also, do any of you feed them any foods or is light enough? Please excuse my lack of knowledge!
Just cut the base of the foot. They are quick healers and the foot will regrow. That or yank the hell out of them.
Hey those are nice and a great deal at$15.00 for the whole rock with four mouths. At my lfs they try to sell something like that for $10.00 per mouth ($40.00)!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7694080#post7694080 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by batguano
my lfs they try to sell something like that for $10.00 per mouth ($40.00)!!

you should strangle that guy:smokin:
along w/ great enviromental conditions, irritation would be another method that you could apply to cause a shroom to split.. try placing a rubberband around one- right down the center (don't strangle it though) this should cause it to split!

this of course is a suggestion since "pie cutting" (which I have often heard of being a popular method) a shroom isn't for the squeamish or for the conventional noobie:beer:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7694080#post7694080 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by batguano
Hey those are nice and a great deal at$15.00 for the whole rock with four mouths. At my lfs they try to sell something like that for $10.00 per mouth ($40.00)!!

I count 6 on that rock...they only charge $5 a mouth here
Trigger05= most mushrooms dont like alot of water flow, if you point a powerhead at them they will move and leave a piece of their foot, that piece will grow into another mushroom. You can also make a slice with a razor at the bottom of the foot, this will usuallty grow into another shroom as well. Sometime with the slicing technique the slice may just heal together again. No big deal, just slice again.

Good luck