I just mixed my first solution of Kalkwasser


New member
Well, not "just," more like two hours ago and I'm going to let the solution sit for another hour. I added 2 teaspoons of the kalkwasser powder to 1 gallon of R/O water. Once this next hour is up, I'll begin dosing.

Does anyone see any problems up to this point or notice anything I've missed before I begin dosing? Don't want to wake up with a tank full of dead inhabitants.
Yeah, I've got an aquadose unit for dripping it over the course of the night.

On the Kalk directions, it says to let the solution sit for a "few hours;" does anyone else find that to be incorrect?
I put two heaping tablespoons into my 2.5g Kent aquadoser, then pour in ro/di water to the top, put on the lid, give it a shake or two, then start dripping it into the sump. May not be the ideal way, but i think it works. Some experts advocate a kalk slurry added to the tank, so i don't think my dosing method should be a problem. I just don't have the patience to mix, stir, wait, etc. etc. Just my method...
i just mix it up, let it sit at least two hours and start dripping, been doing it this way for quite awhile, no problems.