I just want to cry


Premium Member
I just have to vent a little .

I have been fighting Dinoflagellates , for a while now , but I was losing the battle . I started to get real aggressive in the fight by elevating Alk. , and PH . I am not doing very well with this approach , as I am having a hard time keeping things stable .

I still have the Dino., but the rest of the tank inhabitants are taking a beating . Skunk cleaner shrimp , snails , and some corals have already died . I never thought that Dino. was that hard to cure . I have been very careless in my efforts , so I have to do a better job of monitoring the Alk. , and PH , after things settle down .

I still plan to host the ANCHOR meeting the 28 th .
Just keep in mind there may not be much left in my tank to look at .

you can help by coming to the meeting and showing your support. lol
No really, everybody needs to bring some clean up crew for Ted. We can bring snails, crabs, shrimp, ect, and maybe a coral or two to help take the place of the lost ones.
Or we can just ask Ted what he would like:)
Paul , Thanks for the offer. I still have to kill the Dino . , so I can't add anything to the tank yet . Paul you have always been there to help Thank you . Ted
Sue , you have always been there to help , as well . I think it's just going to take more effort on my part to clear up the Dino. . I just need to slow down , and keep working on the problem . I needed to vent a little . We have all seen our tanks go down hill one time , or another . It's just hard to watch , when it happens . Ted
What exactly does the dinoflagellate look like? I've seen them under magnification, but never a picture of them in a tank.

Just curious what to watch for since you are having such a hard time ted.

I am glad you are hanging in there in the war. It's gonna be ok and we would love to bring you some critters to enhance the tank. You have always been a good friend to us.

If you're not ready for contributions on the 28th, we will just have to bring some by to the next meeting.

Meanwhile, is there anything I can do to help?




<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14396520#post14396520 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dmbedard

is there anything I can do to help?

Diane , Thank you for the offer ,but I just need to stay with this thing , and see it through . Ted

Just got back from being out of town - sorry for the late reply. Let me know when you are ready to restock the clean-up crew and I will get you some snails, hermits and some peppermint shrimp.

Dino is a bear - I had an outbreak a few years back and seems like everything I tried "per the book" had little effect. Eventually it seemed to die off and not return (fingers firmly crossed).

Let us know if you decide that you want some stuff for the meeting. If you decide to wait, will have frags and creatures ready when you are.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14409396#post14409396 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by alfa1023

Just got back from being out of town - sorry for the late reply. Let me know when you are ready to restock the clean-up crew and I will get you some snails, hermits and some peppermint shrimp.

Dino is a bear - I had an outbreak a few years back and seems like everything I tried "per the book" had little effect. Eventually it seemed to die off and not return (fingers firmly crossed).

Let us know if you decide that you want some stuff for the meeting. If you decide to wait, will have frags and creatures ready when you are.

Jim , Thank you for your generous offer . I think I am going to let things get back in balance for a while , and see how it goes from there . Ted
Well it looks like the Dino is gone , but all my carols are melting .

I thought this hobby was suppose to relieve stress . Ted
This hobby is like golf. When everything is going well it makes you feel great and like nothing in the world could be better.
Give us an update hows everything comming out.I have some frags cut up and ready to go when you can take them. I dont have anything fancy but they are yours when the tank is healthy.

I feel for you. Going through the same thing w/ my sh tank. Red everywhere and it always picks up when things are the most hectic for me, it turns the tank into a stress producer rather than stress reliever, but it does make me feel better to know that you have had an out break - sorry but it helps to know that it can hit and frustrate everyone
