New member
Hi there. I’m brand new to this forum. Been in the hobby for 20+ years (never joined an online community tho) and never made this mistake before. So, yesterday, I was doing a waterchange, and in my haste and pure ego of thinking I’m always right (lol), I didn’t test the water before I refilled my tank. Well? Just so happens I was using a 1/4 cup measuring spoon when I was adding the salt the day before, thinking it was a half cup. So, I do my waterchange, sit back and threw on the tv. Then, I just decided to test my salinity about an 1-2 hrs later just to make sure I kept it at 1.025…and it was at 1.010!!!! I absolutely freaked out, and mixed a bucket of double strength salt water, let it mix for only about an hr, bc again, I was in freak out mode and just wanted to fix it as fast as possible. So I took out a bucket and added the new one, and somehow got it right back to 1.025 again. But all my corals and fish sat in that low salinity for at about 2 hours. Now, my Duncan’s were completely retracted and starting to come out now (which I’m not TOO worried about bc I had a colony of Duncan’s that were fully retracted for over 6 months once after implementing my new GFO reactor, and they came out of it looking better than ever and popping up new heads almost weekly). And I know how fussy they can be. One of n y gorgonians seems to be melting. But the rest of my gorg’s are fine. Everything else looks ok, just a lil “white washed.” Like they look dulled out in color. But other than that, PE isnt what is was before this, but still looks ok on all my SPS/LPS (other than the Duncan’s and Acan’s of course). and my mushrooms retracted for 24 hours but are fully open and eating today. The color loss makes me upset, but I know that will fix itself over time too.
So…has anyone ever made this mistake before? And if so, what was your experience? Also, do you think I’m outa the woods? Or is everything just going to slowly melt away/die off, and it’s just not noticeable yet?
Any and all help would be so very much appreciated.
And just so you have more to go on, my params are:
Salinity: 1.025
Ph: 8.2
Calcium: 430
Alk: 9.6 (it was always 8.4 before this happened)
Magnesium: 1360
Nitrates 2-3ppm (per Hanna Colormeter)
Phosphates: 0.06 (per Hanna Colormeter)
Temp: 77.4
Oh, and just btw, all my fish and CUC aren’t even phased by this. But I wasn’t to worried about the fish, as people do full on FW baths (which I haven’t done in many years myself) and I know the baths are not hours long. But still, no deaths and everyone is eating like pigs. Even my cleaner shrimp and porcelain crab and rock flowers are perfectly fine (and my copepod population shows zero signs of loss & my chaeto in my fuge is beautiful and healthy green with zero signs of melting or die off). So, I’m hoping that all the inverts that aren’t showing any signs of stress (other than the slight color loss in corals) is a good sign that things should probably bounce back? Anyway, I joined this community, so I may as well use it, right?
Thanks again for any/all help!!!
So…has anyone ever made this mistake before? And if so, what was your experience? Also, do you think I’m outa the woods? Or is everything just going to slowly melt away/die off, and it’s just not noticeable yet?
Any and all help would be so very much appreciated.

And just so you have more to go on, my params are:
Salinity: 1.025
Ph: 8.2
Calcium: 430
Alk: 9.6 (it was always 8.4 before this happened)
Magnesium: 1360
Nitrates 2-3ppm (per Hanna Colormeter)
Phosphates: 0.06 (per Hanna Colormeter)
Temp: 77.4
Oh, and just btw, all my fish and CUC aren’t even phased by this. But I wasn’t to worried about the fish, as people do full on FW baths (which I haven’t done in many years myself) and I know the baths are not hours long. But still, no deaths and everyone is eating like pigs. Even my cleaner shrimp and porcelain crab and rock flowers are perfectly fine (and my copepod population shows zero signs of loss & my chaeto in my fuge is beautiful and healthy green with zero signs of melting or die off). So, I’m hoping that all the inverts that aren’t showing any signs of stress (other than the slight color loss in corals) is a good sign that things should probably bounce back? Anyway, I joined this community, so I may as well use it, right?
Thanks again for any/all help!!!
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