I need a top off system need help


New member
If I want to go any where for a weekend this summer i need to figure out how to do an automated top off system. I would like toget a Float ? or some type of device that will fit in the surface skimmer box that is on my remora pro with the rio. If my tank gets one gallon low the water in the surface skimmer box is just covering the skimmer pump. So my thinking is if I can put the top off float or water level gage in the suface skimmer box my skimmer will not run dry. 1 to 1 1/2 gals in a 220 gal tank is not that much so I would have to take the box off if I put it out side of the box. So is there a small enough water level gage that would fit in a 2 1/2 X 2 1/2 space?
If you now of any please post a link of PM me.
Also would the water level gage activate a power head that is in a bucket full of RO water to pump in the tank. I would not be able to do a gravity feed. It would some how be able to turn on and off a power head. Would like it if some one could explain how this would work to me. Thank you.
hi...i just got an auto top off system from this website a few weeks ago.... http://www.autotopoff.com/ ..... sure you can build one yourself but i think was worth it every penny. but i dont know if it will fit on the skimmer box of your remora pro though. hope this helps.
I use a dual float switch controlling a peristaltic pump for my autotopoff systems. For a 220g tank, I'd recommend something like that, since a fault topoff can kill a system. I use the dual switch from ReefFanatic.com and a Cole-Parmer MasterFlex pump, but there's some good pumps at championlighting.com as well.

Peristaltic pumps can deliver a nice steady drip of water, which is great for dosing lime, if you're interested in that as well. I do that, and don't have to check alkalinity or dose anything more than about every 2-3 weeks.
If you want a reliable top off device that can't really fail, check out Spectrapure's liquid level controller. There is no float switch that can get stuck, it works on air pressure. I have a mag drive pump in a 10 gallon garbage pail in my basement that I fill up twice a week just to be safe.