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I am doing a 10 page paper for my college english class. The paper is a research paper on any technological advancement. Since I am involved with the hobby, I chose to write about captive bred marine fish as well as tank raised and captive raised frags. I was wondering if you wouldnt mind helping me out, and giving me some of your opinions regarding any technological advancements that have improved the captive raising of both corals and fish in the hobby. I am primarily focusing on captive raised coral fragments to try to avoid wild imported colonies as much as possible. Any and all help is appreciated!
Thank you
I am doing a 10 page paper for my college english class. The paper is a research paper on any technological advancement. Since I am involved with the hobby, I chose to write about captive bred marine fish as well as tank raised and captive raised frags. I was wondering if you wouldnt mind helping me out, and giving me some of your opinions regarding any technological advancements that have improved the captive raising of both corals and fish in the hobby. I am primarily focusing on captive raised coral fragments to try to avoid wild imported colonies as much as possible. Any and all help is appreciated!
Thank you