I need help / advice?!


New member
So I have a 85 gallon tank with a hang on protein skimmer / refugium. In the refugium area I'm currently running bio balls (that I clean every other week) to help with filtering and small air bubble cause by skimmer part. I have 3 2600gph powerheads and one 800gpg for water movement. This tank has been a reef tank for ten years. Black live sand bottom. My water test results are; temp=77° salinity =1.025 ph=8.2 nitrite=0ppm ammonia=0ppm nitrate=5.0ppm Calcium=450ppm phosphate=0.50ppm kh=10 magnesium=1500ppm

Now my issue is that I'm loosing fish, some with signs and others suddenly with no signs of anything. I lost a powder blue, tommini, about six sets of clowns(can't seem to keep any clown fish), a herum of anthias, three different bicolor blennies(my kids loved him, lol) I have zoas, mushrooms, two bubble anemones, two carpet anemones, frog spawn, torch, star polyps, Kenya tree, cabbage leather, recordias all normal and growing. I lost all three different yuma mushrooms I had, they bleached out and then dyed. I even tried to move them around to help them. I feed p e mysis and some smaller mysis daily. I do 4 gallon water changes every other day, with ro water with reef crystals salt mix.

Any help is appreciated, I think I've lost like 500 or more in fish:headwally: