I need help. Anemone stuck through my main tank and hole to sump, what do I do??


Welcome to RC! Generally anemones can work them selves out of these types of situations. I would turn off the return pump and give it a few hours to either walk into that sump area or work itself ou. It doesn’t look very damaged so that’s a good thing.
Well the head completely detached so we removed it.. now we are just left with the foot but it seems alive and fine… will it regrow a new head?
Not really sure. The badly damaged anemones I've nursed back to health have had at least part of their mouth/digestive tract remaining, and once their mouth fully healed, I was able to provide supplemental feeding of meaty food that I believe helped them recover. Without a mouth/digestive tract, an anemone will have to use a large amount of energy to rebuild/regrow that, and I don't know if just the remaining zooxanthellae in the base (without the additional surface area of the tentacles) will be enough to power this regrowth. It may, and you may end up with a much smaller anemone. Good luck!

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Not really sure. The badly damaged anemones I've nursed back to health have had at least part of their mouth/digestive tract remaining, and once their mouth fully healed, I was able to provide supplemental feeding of meaty food that I believe helped them recover. Without a mouth/digestive tract, an anemone will have to use a large amount of energy to rebuild/regrow that, and I don't know if just the remaining zooxanthellae in the base (without the additional surface area of the tentacles) will be enough to power this regrowth. It may, and you may end up with a much smaller anemone. Good luck!

I’m thinking the same thing. As long as part of the mouth is intact, they’ll generally recover. If not, you need to remove the base that was left behind at the first sign of “meltdown”. Anemones are particularly nasty when dead.
Well the head completely detached so we removed it.. now we are just left with the foot but it seems alive and fine… will it regrow a new head?

what an interesting conundrum, I hope it works out for you. if you decide to risk it and see if he recovers, I'd love to see pictures along the way. The only anemone that I had die on me died because I simply didn't understand anemones yet and I kept trying to choose his home for him. I learned to leave my corals alone and let them work it out, but as others mentioned... I've also learned that at the first sign of death, I absolutely remove organisms and cut my losses rather than risking the tank.
After over a month it is safe to say he is going to recover… made the right decision to leave the foot in. He hid in a low light area for probably 3-4 weeks and grew some small tentacles back. Then last week he moved to a spot he likes in the light
ahh that’s awful… does he get a lot of light back there? I think mine came out because it was healing and didnt have much and wanted more later on