I need help on this setup


New member
:rolleyes: I am setting up my 210g all glass reef tank
it is not drilled has hang on overflow and will be viewed from all 4 sides
So I need help figuring out how to make this set up pretty with out wires going everywhere. I mean I know I have to have some but how do I organize everything? I am just confused as to which foot to step out on first so any pictures or advice would be so helpful in getting me started. Thanks!
Well, having all four sides viewable on an undrilled tank is not something that I would want to try myself. Obviously, at least on of the side is going to have to have tubing, cords, etc, running on it, plus you will need a way to get power to the tank. Are you going to try and put equipment under the stand or do you have a remote sump?

I do not like over-flows myself because of the risk of a siphon break causing a catastrophic an over-flow. A lot of people still use them, but there are also a lot of folks that used to use them and don't anymore. :)

Personally, I would try to either
a) get the tank drilled or
b) skip the sump and use a hang-on or in-tank skimmer

If you are committed to using the tank as-is then I would recommend looking at one of the older tunze DOC in-tank protein skimmer set-up. The skimmer actually sits at the top of the water line inside the tank and seems to work pretty well. They make a model that is rated for a 250 gallon plus tank and it sells for $360 on MarineDepot.com.

Normally the in-tank skimmer is less than ideal visually, but in this case it would be less of an eye-sore than having the over-flow, drains, and returns running down a viewable wall on the tank IMHO. Add in a couple of Tunze streams for current and the only exposed equipment outside the tank would be power cords and possibly a very small top-off line. Of course, you will have to have power heads, heaters, and the skimmer in the tank. LIfe is full of compromises. :(

I suppose you could get creative and make an overhead sump. In other words, water could be pumped from the tank to the sump, and gravity drain back into the tank.

This would not eliminate all wires and tube from being visible, but it would minimize them and allow you to have a "normal" sump set up.

Although possible, there are many problems I could forsee, so you would need to do alot of very careful planning, but it is possible. However, I wouldn't try it!
Without drilling your tnk you are going to have cords and plumbing running down the exterior of your tank. One way to conceal it would be to construct a 'chase' to house all your plumgin and wiring. This can be made out of wood or large dia pvc. you can be creative and use foilage such as 'silk' plants, vines to hang down the side of your tank to give it a natural look while concealing your piping. Another option is to paint your piping, run you power cords through a peice of PVC pipe give your pipes a nice paint job for a more stylish look.