I tried this another way and didn't really get an answer. The 3 LFS I've talked to are worthless. Maybe there isn't a good answer.
I have a 150 gallon tank. It is about 19 months old. A little over 3 months ago I added 3 new fish in 2 days. Yep I didn't quarantine them. I tried using a quarantine tank on 8 different fish and all of them died in that tank. The tanks wasn't over loaded (I don't think) since with those 3 I had 10 fish total. In less than a week I lost 8 of the 10 fish. The only one I saw (I was out of town on business for most of this) was a Lion fish. He ate the first day then stopped eating and died in about 3 days. I couldn't see anything on him. He had been in the LFS for about 3 weeks and they had him eating frozen food before I bought him. I checked the water parameters and the only thing a little out was the PO4 at around .08. I know it should be lower but I didn't think it would cause the death.
Over the next few days more fish started looking bad and died. My GF who was home taking care of things said a couple had their eyes get white. She said the one seemed blind and that if she put food right in his mouth he would eat. She said a couple looked like they lost their color and got grayish. Other looked fine to her and just disappeared.
A snowflake eel and a blue dart fish where all that survived. I checked the water again when I got back. I had a slight amount of NO3, I assume from so many fish dying (some didn't get recovered before being dragged into the rocks). And the PO4 was still at .08. I lost a kole tang that had been with me since I started the tank, 2 clowns again both long time in the tank, 2 cardinals one long time one new, a blenny over a year in the tank, a wrasse that was new, a blue dart and a couple others I can't remember now.
The 2 remaining fish have been happy healthy and eating for the past 3+ months. The corals I have are growing better than ever and the inverts are all doing well. On Saturday afternoon I bought a small clown. I checked the water the Salinity was at 33, low I know and I'm slowly raising it but not a killer I didn't think. The PO4 was at .04 which is as low as I've ever been able to get it.
I put the fish in and he ate that evening. Sunday morning he seemed to be swimming erratically up and down the water column and didn't eat. Sunday afternoon he looked like some of his fins were a little ragged but not awful in fact had I not been paying very close attention I would not have thought anything of it. It is also possible there was a little fine (and I mean very fine) white dusting. Again nothing I would have noticed had I not just put him in and was paying very close attention. Monday morning he was swimming normally near the bottom of the tank and Monday afternoon he was dead. I never found the body.
Bottom line is I have no idea what killed the fish and I have no idea what to do. Does anyone have any thoughts?
I have a 150 gallon tank. It is about 19 months old. A little over 3 months ago I added 3 new fish in 2 days. Yep I didn't quarantine them. I tried using a quarantine tank on 8 different fish and all of them died in that tank. The tanks wasn't over loaded (I don't think) since with those 3 I had 10 fish total. In less than a week I lost 8 of the 10 fish. The only one I saw (I was out of town on business for most of this) was a Lion fish. He ate the first day then stopped eating and died in about 3 days. I couldn't see anything on him. He had been in the LFS for about 3 weeks and they had him eating frozen food before I bought him. I checked the water parameters and the only thing a little out was the PO4 at around .08. I know it should be lower but I didn't think it would cause the death.
Over the next few days more fish started looking bad and died. My GF who was home taking care of things said a couple had their eyes get white. She said the one seemed blind and that if she put food right in his mouth he would eat. She said a couple looked like they lost their color and got grayish. Other looked fine to her and just disappeared.
A snowflake eel and a blue dart fish where all that survived. I checked the water again when I got back. I had a slight amount of NO3, I assume from so many fish dying (some didn't get recovered before being dragged into the rocks). And the PO4 was still at .08. I lost a kole tang that had been with me since I started the tank, 2 clowns again both long time in the tank, 2 cardinals one long time one new, a blenny over a year in the tank, a wrasse that was new, a blue dart and a couple others I can't remember now.
The 2 remaining fish have been happy healthy and eating for the past 3+ months. The corals I have are growing better than ever and the inverts are all doing well. On Saturday afternoon I bought a small clown. I checked the water the Salinity was at 33, low I know and I'm slowly raising it but not a killer I didn't think. The PO4 was at .04 which is as low as I've ever been able to get it.
I put the fish in and he ate that evening. Sunday morning he seemed to be swimming erratically up and down the water column and didn't eat. Sunday afternoon he looked like some of his fins were a little ragged but not awful in fact had I not been paying very close attention I would not have thought anything of it. It is also possible there was a little fine (and I mean very fine) white dusting. Again nothing I would have noticed had I not just put him in and was paying very close attention. Monday morning he was swimming normally near the bottom of the tank and Monday afternoon he was dead. I never found the body.
Bottom line is I have no idea what killed the fish and I have no idea what to do. Does anyone have any thoughts?