I need info...

i forgot to ask too --- how often need i be changing the pads??
im using a floss pad, a micron pad, a charcol pad and an ammonia removing pad?!
Why do you have ammonia removing pad there? Let the BB's or LR's do the job of removing ammonia. If you use any ammonia removal thingy, you are not letting the good nitrification bacteria fully establishing themselves in your system.

Have a look at the Acclimation Guide from LiveAquaria.com, it very easy to follow. For fish, I use the float and cup method.


I will change/wash the pads when it looks very dirty. Carbon must be changed at least once a month.
im using drip ...

the ammonia pads are from when i was cycling. I will remove them Right now.. im cleaning the tank, and adding some balls back in.
I dont have any LR at all so --- i will have to make do with the filtering i have and with your help i think im getting there??
I was just scrubbing my walls and noticed one of my large red leg reef hermits is out of its shell and dead :(

update : just tested...

This is after stiring around the tank and such too :

78 degrees 1.24 SG
8. ph
nitrites 0ppm
ammonia <.25ppm
nitrate 20ppm

so nitrates are coming down.. ammonia deffinatly there ( but i also have a new dead crab and fish ) so im sure its fresh. Ill do a water change in the am.

I wouldnt add anything right now till the tank does its minni cycle now. Give it 2-3 weeks before adding a fish. Than i would add like 2 chromis than if they dont die in a week or two than add another fish.
Since you don't have LR's or DSB, good idea too add some balls back to your sump (bad advice from your LFS).

Remove the ammonia pad, don't add any fish until you're at end of your cycle (+ one week). Your bio-balls are most likely to be dead now, so cycling could take longer to complete.

I like adding more chromis if the last one survived the ordeal. Keep a large group is the key to keep them alive. And they certainly don't do well in an aggressive tank.
dchao -
Thanks ... i love chromis really - only in groups LOL its keeping the groups alive thats proven to be difficult
From one hurdle to another - my next will be what kinds of fish to keep in my FO.
After talking to you here, im betting my LFS totally forgot that i have a FO now a FOWLR tank.. gesh

My bioballs were all still pretty wet ( and warm ) so im hoping they didnt completely die off they were in a bucket of sw from the sump and left under the tank in the cuboard.

Time will tell... ill update then!!