I need plans for metal stand 180g

here you go


What's the experiences with marble top on a metal stand?

Anyone have plans or pictures on how to secure the wood cabnetry to metal stands?

I'm thinking about the same. Tank will be 6 x 2 x 2 acrylic.

Check in Large Reef Tanks, Our 375 gallon project, by Sidewinder 770. Also check my gallery for my stand.
marble is 3/4 inch and is mounted on plywood. so its stand .. wood... marble...foam..tank
Here is another design idea.

This is the stand for a 400 gallon (96"L 30"w 32"H) project I'm doing at our new house. You could do similar by modifying the spacing. I had it constructed with 2" x 2" 16 gauge steel. I found a cool little program on the net called GoogleSketchUp (you can download a free version). I used it to develop the design and provide to the company I had build the stand. The stand should be able to hold a much larger tank than I am doing (based on comments from a LFS that has done many large tanks).

To attach wood to the steel you can do one of two option. First, use self-tapping screws into the stand to attach the cabinetry directly. The second is to attach a 3/4" wood strip to the stand (again the self-tapping screws) and then you can screw or nail the cabinetry onto the wood strip. I used a combination of both. I guess you could also use a good construction adhesive, but I'd be more confident of the previous two methods (as advised by the trim guys building our new house).

As a further suggest, the end of my cabinetry is attached with magnetic catches so I can remove the end. This allows full access to the entire length for a sump, ect. to be moved in/out easily.

Not being experienced at adding picts...here are a couple in my gallery......if it fails...check my gallery.


Have fun.....I know I am.