I See Corals Frags...


New member

Help me out people....! How do I get these things to latch on ???

I tried zip tying the base (not tooo tightly!) to a rock....NADA !

and we're talking three weeks....and no progress ! Can I super glue these or what....that sounds barbaric to me...but is it possible !
Yeah, the type of frag dictates the attachment method in most cases. Softies can be sewn on with fishing string, skewered with a toothpick with a rubberband wrapped around the rock and the ends of the toothpick (among other methods), zoas can usually be super glue gel'd into place easily, as well as most other corals (SPS, LPS, well, most things aside from softies). Softies create too much slime after fragging or once the glue starts to activate (glue gets pretty hot for the coral when it starts to activate, which can increase slime production from the coral). There are many different methods for the different frags. Let us know what you've got and we'll see what we can tell you;).
i prefer to buy my frags already growing on sizable pieces of rock, that way i dont have to do any of that. I used super glue gel, which hasnt had very good results. its possible but its just plain easier to buy them on the rock, if you have a good selection from your LFS.
You can glue the bubble to a larger roock, too, if you want to. With glue gel, I let it set up for about three minutes before putting anything in it. Then remove whatever moisture you can from the frag and sit it in the glue and twist a little (not more than 15 degrees or so, but I sometimes do a back and forth twist if it won't just sit in the gel upright). Like planting a tree, use a diameter of about twice the size of the frag, of doing softies that allow gluing or SPS. The spacer rock you use can determine how much or little glue will be required. If the frag sits down in an indention, you may not need much. If it is a flat rock with something going perpendicular to it, it may require some support. I use whatever is aroud to help stand a frag up until it dries. After a few minutes (usually gluing a number of frags at once), I dip each newly glued frag in tank water (usually in a tupperware container, but not always), then find a place to put it in the tank without passing in front of too much flow. It takes a little practice, but becomes very easy over time.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7919390#post7919390 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Swamp Donkey
Quick question. I am going to have to attach a xenia to a rock. Just rubberband it?

I've done both fishing line (sew it through the base and tie it down loosely) and toothpick/rubber band methods with success. I don't think you could just use a rubber band, but it may be possible. How were you thinking of attaching it?