i think they arent happy...


New member
ok in my 24AP i have just a couple mushrooms in it. no idea what the names of them are other then they are mushrooms. anyway, they were all doing fine and dandy, found places they liked and were getting some good size to them. well yesterday and today i noticed they arent nearly as open as they usually are and my fuzzy mushroom is maybe half the asize it usually is and kinda curled lookin. are they mad about water quality or something? i did do a water change on it today about 20 minutes ago so i will let them sit and see what happens. only thing different about the tank i have done is fed some frozen brine shrimp and i notice a brown/possible diatom algae started to grow on the sand. any ideas of what i can do to make them be how they used to be?
What are your tank parameters?

Specific Gravity?
to be 100% honest i have no idea. the specific gravity is 1.025 i do knwo that. it has remained the same. as far as the others, i havemnt checked them or i have no way to check them. idont yet have a thermo on the tank, but it feels to be around the 78-80* mark. same as what it has been.

only thing i could think of was maybe a nitrate spike hence the algae
I've got a similar situation going on now myself. Mushrooms (green bullseye and frilly brown) had been doing just fine, but yesterday they were not nearly as open as usual. My green star polyp, button polyps, BTA, and kenya tree are all fine. I had actually done a water change on Tuesday of this week. Temp has been stable 79-80F. Not sure on my other parameters at this time. If the shrooms aren't looking better when I get home I'll do some tests. Any ideas?
This can't be good...

This can't be good...

Came home and saw the bullseye still unhappy. Tried moving him a bit more out of the light and flow. He got M-A-D. Guts started to come out. See crappy picture below. This can't be good...
