I use B-ionic are there any other good additives for SPS that i can use with it?


New member
Hi, i'm new to reefing and have had a blast trying to maintain my 20g H tank, So far all i dose is B-ionic keeping Alk and Cal where they need to be.

My question is, are there any other additives that will help my SPS grow besides the B-ionic? Or is that all i need to be/should be dosing?


my tank is 20g High
175w 14k iwaski
2 T5 actinic+
magnum 350 canister filter
2 powerheads
CPR bak pak II skimmer

salt, temp, and water quality are all spot on.
I am really happy with Tropic marin a elements and k elements.

However I know of no one else that is using them yet beside me .
Here is what I got in a month using the TM elements.
April 23rd

May 29th
I used B-Ionic for years and thats all I added or needed to add. You will still add other trace elements with your water changes.
wow thats a complete difference...is that the only thing you changed in that month? or were there lighting changes as well(like changing bulbs or something?)
well i placed an order for some and will be trying it out...so hopefully my results will follow yours...ill have to post a before and after pic