Ice Cap Metal Halide ballast


What are the the reason why the does XM SE 250W bulbs and ice cap electronic 250 w ballast are not compatable as stated on your website? I believe electronic ballast fire any kind of SE bulb?

Thanks for your inquiry. We have had complaints from customers regarding the bulbs firing on this ballast. They do work most of the time, but there are some occasions where they don't just like in the Hamilton 14K bulbs. You can find more information by doing a search here on reefcntral. Here's one of the threads on it

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Ben R.
Marine Depot Customer Service
Ben Marine Depot Customer service,
I spoke with Dave Tech support at IceCap and the DE XM bulbs are the bulbs with firing promblems and not the SE.
Your Website is Incorrect in stating XM bulbs are incompatable.