Icecap 660


New member
I am thinking of getting an Icecap 660 and use it to power 2 x 110w VHO 46.5". Would it be too much? Will the ballast overdrive the bulbs (pushing all 464/440 watts through them)?

Any pros and cons doing it?

Hi,no it won't push all 440 watts through to the 2 bulbs.It will allow the bulbs to run at max output,while being as effecient as possible though.I think they are great ballasts & have an excellent warranty.It may be a little overkill for 2 bulbs,but if you decide to upgrade,then it will be able to handle 4 bulbs of that length.HTH
There are cheaper options if you only need to drive 2 bulbs, although as Darcy says, the 660 is capable of running 4 of that length.

For a permanent 2 bulb operation, I would suggest the AS-220 (I think that's the name) from hellolights. It's only $35 for the electronic ballast, and can drive 2 bulbs of up to 48" in length. Perfect for what you're looking to do. In fact, if you price it out on their website, you can get the ballast, cord, wiring, endcaps, and URI bulbs for right around $100. IMO, that's the best deal out there for running a pair of 4' VHOs.
you might want to look into t5s also. thats what i plan on doing for my actinics for my new lighting setup.

theyll burn less wattage, but put out more light because of the reflectors

going to do 2 - 150 watt 14k pheonix over my tank with
2 -54 watt UVL super actinic bulbs

i paid 19$ for my t5 electronic ballast also on this one site.

pm me if your interested, ill send you the site