ich problem


Premium Member
whats its a good product from personal use that i can add to the tank with inverts to get rid of ich that I might be able to pick up a LFS? I do not have a Qt right now so I will have to treat the ich on the display tank but the only fish that are effected are the bicolor blenny, tang, and maybe the angel(isn't showing any sign of it yet). thanks...
I always liked using a skunk striped cleaner shrimp and would always buy one if I bought a Tang. I have used a treatment that was invert safe and it did work but it was expensive and treating your dispalay tank would take a lot of treatment because you have to do it for 10 days if I remember correctly. I bought some at Kermits a long time ago and I think he still carries it.
ohok, thanks for the help and im goin to check them out wed...or fri I sent you a pm out your XM bulbs. Anyone else have a suggestions on a product if I can't find the product he is refer to at kermits?
My suggestion is to talk with Dave at Kermit's before you start dosing you tank with some product.
yeah im gunna try to get out there tomm but I just been soaking the food in extreme garlic to help their immune system to fight the ich. Everyday the bi color blenny and the tang have been getting better.
well its not ich, I beleave its velvet because its a dusty effect...any suggests on this or does the same stuff for ich work for velvet? The fish's eyes are cloudy as well...