ICP Testing results..


Well-known member
Hey guys. got my ICP testing results. A few elements out of whack. what do you guys think?

Macro Element: Mg is way high... check your test kits. I've been using Salifert and getting consistent 1300.. time to toss away that kit.


Unwanted Metal: a little aluminum build up. what do you think is the cause? salt build up? I used Reef Crystal mainly.. switching to IO to save some money. I go through 1-2 200gal boxes a month.

Li Group: my family group... lol. but super elevated Lithium. I read on other posts that it doesn't mean much.. but some reported lowering Lithium by water change. not sure..

Short on nickle.. but still in range

I Group: Iodine is high.. my fault. I dosed a little lugol hearing iodine is good for coral growth. a few drops every other week. didn't expect such high impact.

Silicone is steadily increasing..
Nutrient is off the charts... my fault again. over feeding from fattening up the anthias. I purchased some of Dr Tim's waste away in gel pack. Going to try that. Slow release bacteria for removing nutrients.
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I threw away my Salifert Magnesium test kit today. Mine read 1350. Got my ICP test results yesterday and it was almost 1700.
great now you guys got me all worried..... I have been dosing my Mg on my small 25g tank because every time I test it with my Salifer it reads in the mid 1200's now I am wondering if its not even accurate and I have been dosing too much..... I will do a WC today and not dose for a bit see and get a new test kit.
I have never heard of anyone having any trouble from MG in the 2,000 range. 2,000 + magnesium was the old bryopsis treatment

lots of people have really high lithium and nobody seems to know why, theories abound though. Doesn't seem to be a problem.
Ya I'm not worried about my Mg either. I try to keep it at 1500. but i need to find a kit with more accurate reading.